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Full Version: Majik Tutorial: Audio Speaker

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From: Michael Gibson
29 Sep 2011   [#25] In reply to [#23]
Hi Mike,

> And there may be something else not set right. The vid driver
> temporarily crashed twice today.

You might make sure it's not getting overheated - is your system possibly overclocked?

Also it's probably a good idea to go directly to your video card manufacturer's web site and download the latest driver they have available from there to see if that helps.

- Michael
29 Sep 2011   [#26] In reply to [#25]
Thanks for that advice... I was wondering about the limitations being a 32 bit app.

We were thinking some of the same things about the video.
I had a tech put me on a different login with admin priv. due to requirements to get my M$ Outlook connected among other things.
An error log my brother was looking at eluded to the fact that something was denied some type of privileges when MoI crashed.
I plan on uninstalling and re-installing the INVIDIA driver in the morning to rule that out.

If it was a hardware problem the vid card blackouts (2 of them) would have happened when I was taxing my system... hard to tell at this stage.
But yes... that model is a stresser for MoI under any circumstances.
From: ed (EDDYF)
29 Sep 2011   [#27]

I really like the render - nice dramatic lighting. Again, a fantastic model and I'm trying it out right now in KeyShot (still can't get the grill exported out of MoI due to memory limit).

Do you mind if I post a KeyShot version later tonight?

29 Sep 2011   [#28] In reply to [#27]
Thanks Ed!

Yes, go ahead - that's why I posted it. Have at it!

Ed, try this out: (test
It is the .obj that worked for the wire mesh. Can't guarantee it, but give it a try.
From: BurrMan
29 Sep 2011   [#29] In reply to [#28]
Hi Majik,
Just a mention on the original surface you had import issues with, that is a "joined surface" and not a solid, so it may have had something to do with that. Although you did get it going with quads and tris, so it is just information/speculation.
From: Michael Gibson
29 Sep 2011   [#30] In reply to [#29]
Hi Burr that kind of looking thing where triangles seem to be leaking out of an n-gon outline usually means that something went wrong with a process of converting n-gons into triangles.

In order to convert an n-gon into triangles, one edge of the n-gon will be connected to a point somewhere else on the n-gon. If it's not handled carefully then the connection to that other point could cross over the outside area of the n-gon if it's a complex concave type shape.

That's something that can tend to happen pretty easily in n-gon triangulation functions, it's not all that easy to make a really robust triangulator.

If the rendering program that you are exporting to has those kinds of problems in handling complex n-gons, then you'll need to use the "Export: Quads & Triangles" option to do the triangulation in MoI instead of relying on the rendering program to do it.

- Michael
From: ed (EDDYF)
29 Sep 2011   [#31]
Majik -

Here's your model rendered in KeyShot. Thanks for sharing!

Ed Ferguson

Image Attachments:
Maynard Audio Speaker.png 

From: Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
29 Sep 2011   [#32]
hi Majik
i exported your mesh without problems, (i don't understand got this mesh in obj or not??? )if needs take a look below

for Rich

sorry for misunderstandings:MY APOLOGIZES.This is a peaceful forum,this also is main reason when i decided to post some stuff
I respect you and i told you
in dutch without dubts:Mijn excuses
From: Rich_Art
29 Sep 2011   [#33] In reply to [#32]

No problem and thanks for the kind words. :-)

Rich_Art. ;-)
From: danperk (SBEECH)
29 Sep 2011   [#34]
Thanks Mike!!
Very good tutorial, and nice result!!
Man that's a lot of screen captures!!!! :)
From: klickoff (RIKO)
29 Sep 2011   [#35]
Hi all! It is impossible to make. Please explain as?


Flow test.3dm

Image Attachments:

30 Sep 2011   [#36] In reply to [#31]
Oooh niiiice.. that's clean lookin' Ed! :-)

KeyShot is good with metals.


The reference circle has to have the same number and spacing of web control points.
If you revolve a flat curve - even with points making up that curve - MoI will make a planar surface with four points at the corners.
You need to lift one of the control points in Z a little before revolving it, so that you end up with a reference circle with a control web.

Therefore, Flow will match structure to structure.

See below:

You can see that the structure for the reference circle is like unto the target shape - see the web control structure.

Hope this helped.
From: klickoff (RIKO)
30 Sep 2011   [#37] In reply to [#36]
Thanks Magic (MAJIKMIKE) !!!. I have received the nice result.

From: Grendel
30 Sep 2011   [#38]
Great Job on the speaker...render in Carrara

Image Attachments:

30 Sep 2011   [#39]
Grendel - that is one beautiful render! Good job!

I like the old English type "MoI" on the cone dome.
From: OSTexo
30 Sep 2011   [#40]

Quick render done with Thearender 1.1. Nice tut and model Majik.

30 Sep 2011   [#41]
NICE render QSTexo! You can even see the glints in the mesh.
BTW, what render mode did you use, and what was the time?

The more I look at different renderings of the mesh, the more it's complexity freaks me out a little... that was a LOT of wire objects!
I really appreciate the different styles and approaches when it comes to everyone's renderings.

NOTE to all::: Feel free to try your hand at rendering the mesh and speaker if your wish and in a few days, I'll post them in another entry in the gallery.
From: OSTexo
30 Sep 2011   [#42]

TR1 Unbiased, about 20 minutes cooking time, but I'm not sure when it cleaned up since I was working on other things. Thearender continues to impress me, the speed increase is noticeable in 1.1. You have a good idea how things look within the first minute of the unbiased render, and even faster with the interactive render in the viewport. No post processing was done to the image, that is straight from Thea.
From: ed (EDDYF)
30 Sep 2011   [#43] In reply to [#42]
QSTexo - Nice job. Thea is impressive.

Ed Ferguson
30 Sep 2011   [#44] In reply to [#43]
Aside from Thea being the new commercial version of Kerky, and having the same core rendering engine.
What it the difference as far as rendering quality and rendering performance in the nitty-gritty of each app?

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