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Full Version: Funny thing at the opposite of Moi ;)

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From: amur (STEFAN)
27 Jul 2019   [#743]
Hi Marco,

sorry, I meant more the price tag, which is affordable for hobbyist,
compared to the price tag of ZBrush. And yes, it is true about
Game Industry Professionals, which I forgot to mention, because
I have no overview of the Gaming World, sorry!

From: mkdm
27 Jul 2019   [#744] In reply to [#743]
No problem Stefan! :)
I only wanted (hoped) to give a more complete view over 3DC.

Both ZB and 3DC are amazing tools!
ZB is super powerful but also it has a steeper learning curve.
From: bemfarmer
27 Jul 2019   [#745]
Thankyou Stefan and Marco.
- Brian
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
27 Jul 2019   [#746]
There is a little difference for 3D Coat: you can modelize entierely from "Voxel" (microscopic cubes)
and at the end transform in classical OBJ polygonal format.

ZBrush has not this function (only hidden for the user for few functions (Unify Skin, ShadowBox...)
And modelise by ZBrush "Shadow Box" Plane by Plane is not the same than 3dCoat
Another difference : 3D Coat has a classical Interface! ;)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
29 Jul 2019   [#747]
Octane Render Free for Blender 2.8

From: Apophis
10 Aug 2019   [#748]

Cables is a visual programming environment to create interactive content for the web.
Another "Node" fetish :-)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
19 Aug 2019   [#749] In reply to [#748]
Seems very cool indeed! (Elephant on steroîds :)

From: Metin (METIN_SEVEN)
23 Aug 2019   [#750]
The Blender 2.81 master builds now include Intel's AI-powered Open Image Denoiser (OIDN). It's quite impressive what it can already do with a one-sample rendering:

Have a nice weekend,


Freelance visualizer • illustrator • animator • 3D designer —
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
29 Aug 2019   [#751]
Crazzy! (move with your mouse for amplify the "rotations" :)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2 Sep 2019   [#752]
Not opposite because it's only Moi Objects! :)

Just for validate a cool flow of modeling! Only Blending surfaces in 5 seconds! :) (time to select curvated edges)
Cut the result in 2 parts - Shell - (here twice the same from 2 different views)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
16 Sep 2019   [#753]
MagicaVoxel comes back with the Intel Denoiser integrated! ;)

Intel Open Image Denoiser []
Requirement: 64bit system, 4GB memory
Installation: download and extract the content to the program folder. (menu Win64 or MacOs plugin)
Image->Filter->Denoise: denoise rendered images in the preview mode. use mouse wheel to zoom in/out, left-drag to move image.
Image->MRT: render additional albedo and normal images to help the denoiser to preserve details. note that it does not always improve the quality.
Sample->Bounce->Clamp: clamp energy to reduce noises.
Image based Lighting []
Sky->IBL: Image Based Lighting. use ".hdr" format panorama images to light the scene.
Fog: add Equi-angular sampling back to reduce noises. support fogs in othogonal views in a bounding volume.
Media: enable Sample->TR-Shadow to allow single direct lighting; enable Sample->MIS-Cloud to allow multiple direct lighting (very expensive).
Color all color options have their own color pickers which support HSV, RGB, H-Block and Hex values.
Palette Menu right click the palette view to show the pop-up menu.
From: mkdm
17 Sep 2019   [#754] In reply to [#753]
Great to know!

Thanks Pilou!
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
20 Sep 2019   [#755]
Have you some success with this denoiser one ? (line command) :) All run fine except absolutly noting as result for me ! :)
i have of course Nvidia ...

yes ok...Created by Declan Russell (25/12/2017 ~ Merry Christmas!)
yes ok ...Input image: C:/Location of image to be denoised/noiseyImage.jpg
yes ok ...Loaded successfully
yes ok...Output image: C:/Location to save image/denoisedImage.jpg
nothing...Denoising complete
nothing...Saving to: C:/Location to save image/denoisedImage.jpg

Do you know an another cool one(s) free "Standalone" denoiser with the new AI technology?

This one but but it's not exactly a stand alone :)

... and alas this one following is mess to install (for me :)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
13 Oct 2019   [#756]
Not exactly the opopsite because without my glass i had believed that was moi3D ! :)

From: bemfarmer
13 Oct 2019   [#757]
The shapr3D program looks interesting.

Todays email mentioned TikZ. Update as of September 2019.
The new manual is a mere 1244 pages.
So far, no opinion on this program:-)

- Brian
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
14 Oct 2019   [#758]

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
15 Oct 2019   [#759]
From Moi to the free Twinmotion in using the new interface by Wayne! ;)

here _sSplit _SBridge _Subdiv9


From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
16 Oct 2019   [#760]
Careful when you import Moi Object inside Twinmotion Scale is generally necessary
as you have several colors as material you must careful to selected all colors for scale the entiere object!

Else you can imagine that something don't works!

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
17 Oct 2019   [#761]

From: mkdm
17 Oct 2019   [#762] In reply to [#761]

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