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Full Version: Funny thing at the opposite of Moi ;)

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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
12 Jun 2019   [#716] In reply to [#715]
No it's always existing but I must wait that a visitor answers to the thread for post a new one! :)
(in a word I can't answer to my own post! After antother one than me yes! It's the modernity! :D

Press Categories ...scroll ... Community...scroll...Other free applications discussion thread ;)
(summer is also a slow down period ;) Started in Nov 2003 ! I was present since the third post! ;) Alas first poster died! :(
(don't miss the vertical scroller on the right...some images can be missed after the successive forums changements)

else with the new free MagicaVoxel from a drawing of Peter Draws (but you can input any image! :)
& Zarbuz plugin who transforms automatically any image in "voxel" inside Magica!

From: Metin (METIN_SEVEN)
12 Jun 2019   [#717] In reply to [#716]
Hi Pilou,

I've replied to the thread, and I will continue to do so, so you can keep posting. :-)


From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
12 Jun 2019   [#718] In reply to [#717]
Thx for the visit! :)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
13 Jun 2019   [#719]
This incredible library with all books of past scientists. For example Ernst Haekel a pecfect one for MagicaVoxel!
Alas I have no time for play with it!
100 Plates by Ernst Haekel Have fun voxel modeling!

From a little part this image
I don't want imagine the infinite exploration of only the 100 plates! :)

From: mkdm
13 Jun 2019   [#720] In reply to [#719]
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
13 Jun 2019   [#721]

14 Jun 2019   [#722] In reply to [#606]
Beautiful and awesome!
From: co3Darts (CO3DPRINTS)
14 Jun 2019   [#723] In reply to [#680]
Thats really neat! Nice job.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
18 Jun 2019   [#724]
That is now working!!!

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
18 Jun 2019   [#725]
Really amazing!

From: mkdm
18 Jun 2019   [#726] In reply to [#725]
Hello Pilou.

Usually I really like all of your posts and contribution because you really are an enthusiast of gfx (so do I).

But this kind of auto generated digital paintings are really one of the very few things that I don't like in the world of computer graphics.

I think that freehand digital painting is really true and vibrant when it come from the human hands :)

And this point of view of mine is absolutely not related to all the endless discussions about AI.

No...It's simply a matter :)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
19 Jun 2019   [#727] In reply to [#726]
@ Mkdm
It's semi-automatic because you draw by hand all general forms!
Pros win a maximum time of productivity for any purposes
No Pros have the pleasure of the creativity even they have not an artistic background! ;)

Seems to me a very cool tool given by the technology!
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
20 Jun 2019   [#728]
So maybe you will don't appreciate this another one! ;)

From: mkdm
20 Jun 2019   [#729] In reply to [#728]
You guessed :)

No...I really don't like this kind of things.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
25 Jun 2019   [#730]
A new concept one!

Must be practicing :)
You can of course also input any Objects OBJ...

My little try of 30 seconds! You only can scroll so a new approch! ;)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
26 Jun 2019   [#731]
Tricky interface but just for Ipad owner! :(

From: mkdm
26 Jun 2019   [#732] In reply to [#731]
Hi Pilou!

Yes! Very cool and smart UI.
A very good start pointing to build a modern UX for an immersive device like the iPad Pro.
I've tried a little bit that App on my Pro and i like the idea of this UX for a digital painting app.
But I've also uninstalled the app after some minutes because actually, apart for the very smart idea behind its UI, actually it's a too coarse app. Nothing more than an experiment.

Clearly nothing near to super powerful apps like Procreate or Artstudio Pro.
Mile miles away from them...

But Borodante did A GREAT JOB when he thought to a UX like this.
Great idea!
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8 Jul 2019   [#733]
Not the opposite because seems like Moi! ;)

Message 4446.734 was deleted

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
9 Jul 2019   [#735]
free stand-alone tool designed to remove shadows from model textures.
The tool is targeted on removing cast shadows and ambient occlusion from 3D models.
It requires user input in a form of rough brush strokes marking lit and shadowed areas.

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