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Full Version: Funny thing at the opposite of Moi ;)

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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
23 Jan 2019   [#566] In reply to [#565]
Curious because I receive some PM all days! :) (my PM box is not 100% full )

Try by email if you have always this PM alert message!
From: Michael Gibson
24 Jan 2019   [#567] In reply to [#565]
Hi Marco,

> I tried to send you mi images via a PM but I get this error while sending:
> "The following errors were encountered:
> PILOU has opted out of receiving personal messages"

Maybe it's a bug in the error message - Marco, have you possibly disabled PM messages in your own settings? That's under forum Options > "Email & Privacy" > "Email and contact settings" > "Allow other users to send me personal messages".

Maybe if you have that disabled you won't be able to send a PM either.

- Michael
From: mkdm
24 Jan 2019   [#568] In reply to [#567]
Hi Michael.

@You: "...Maybe if you have that disabled you won't be able to send a PM either..."

Thanks for the tip :)
But I tried to search the options to enable PM again but I don't remember where it is.

Where is it?

From: mkdm
24 Jan 2019   [#569] In reply to [#567]
Found it :)

I'm sorry, I read the previous message too fast ;)
From: mkdm
24 Jan 2019   [#570] In reply to [#566]
Hi Pilou.

No problem with PM. I decided to keep it off.

I share here my two digital paintings that I did in Procreate (on iPad Pro).

If you want, play with them to create something fancy with Magica and share the results here on the Moi's forum :)

Both images are 5464 x 4096 pixels, so pretty big.

Image 1, called "String Theory" (in homage to one of the current theory of theoretical physics)

Original file to download:
Preview in low res:

Image 2, called "Space Lollipop"

Original file to download:
Preview in low res:

Thanks a lot!!
From: amur (STEFAN)
24 Jan 2019   [#571]
Hi Marco,

why not try your images with 3DCoat (image to mesh) imho much better
(for such large files) than Magica. And you can use with 3DCoat more
than 256 colors ...

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
24 Jan 2019   [#572] In reply to [#570]
I will take these above because I doubt that the big size will works! (but i will test also the big ones...;)
From: mkdm
24 Jan 2019   [#573] In reply to [#572]
@You: "...I doubt that the big size will works!!"

Maybe you can scale them down to the size you need.
Clearly you will lose details but for this kind of works I think it doesn't matter.
From: mkdm
24 Jan 2019   [#574] In reply to [#571]
Hi Stefan.

Thanks a lot for the tip :)
Much appreciated.

One day I will try it ;)
Actually I temporarily abandoned almost all 3D strictly related stuff and in my spare free time I'm digging into free hand 2D digital painting.

But thanks anyway for your suggestion!
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
24 Jan 2019   [#575]
Ok works ;) (recall me "crop circles" ;)
(images are 960 * 800)

Inside with cubes = Spheres

From: mkdm
24 Jan 2019   [#576] In reply to [#575]

Very beautiful :)

Thank you so much!!

Very eye catching the second one but I didn't understand from which part of the original image is...

Could you upload also the generated .vox files?

Thanks a lot again.

So...some of my digital paintings could be useful to generate some fancy Magica stuff...
Good to know :)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
24 Jan 2019   [#577]
Reload big size is not reasonnable! :)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
24 Jan 2019   [#578]
No problem for the vox ;)
I unzip and post here ;) something like 75 & 137 megas zipped

Here the first :

I try you big images but i don't see well the interest (except freeze the latop! :)
From: mkdm
24 Jan 2019   [#579] In reply to [#578]

The second pictures from "Space Lollipop" is amazing!

Thanks also for the .vox file Maybe one of these days I will play with it ;)

Much appreciated.
From: mkdm
24 Jan 2019   [#580] In reply to [#578]
Thanks again :)
Very interesting elaboration!
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
24 Jan 2019   [#581] In reply to [#579]
A little trick : when you render such number of matrices
you must enable a button "SV" under Render Menu / Show Sampling Setting / Geometry else image will be truncated!
(Image can also truncated if number of Matricices is too big!

Ps Can I post some of my render(s) of your image(s) in another places ? (with authoring of course)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
24 Jan 2019   [#582]
Ok I try : message "Image is too big"! So no freeze... ;)
I will search the maximum ;)

Ok maxi for your image is 1500 * 1224 ( I take 1500 maybe a little more but not many more :)

SO here 12 * 9 = 108 matricices 126 *126 *126 = 216 040 608 voxels! ;)

From: mkdm
24 Jan 2019   [#583] In reply to [#581]
Thanks a lot for all the tech infos :)
Much appreciated again!

@You: "...Ps Can I post some of my render(s) of your image(s) in another places ? (with authoring of course)..."

I'm sorry.
No, for the moment I only want my original paintings on my Procreate profile and here on this forum (your elaboration of my images).
Thanks a lot for asking me. Very honest!

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
24 Jan 2019   [#584] In reply to [#583]
No problem! :)
As I made one by day (minimum) i have enough! ;)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
24 Jan 2019   [#585]
Some frightening to think that person is not real!

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