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Full Version: Funny thing at the opposite of Moi ;)

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From: mkdm
18 Jan 2019   [#551] In reply to [#550]
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
18 Jan 2019   [#552] In reply to [#551]
Always Mona! ;)

From: Apophis
20 Jan 2019   [#553] In reply to [#533]
Hi Pilou

can you tell me how you load an image inside MV.? I dindn't found any option.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
20 Jan 2019   [#554] In reply to [#553]
@Apophis: --- You right : for the present version there is no importation Menu!
Current use for an OBJ object or an image PNG 256 colors
Just drag and drop your image or file.obj inside the screen of MagicaVoxel! ;)

That arrives in a "single" matrix ! (max 126 * 126 * 126 )

For a special use more advancedd you must use the Zarbuz plugin SchematicToVox :
and use the Command Line of Windows
That permit to import more biggest result in several matrices in the same time! So super good!

For an obj file (with minimum parameters) you must first convert your file.obj in file.schematic or

then the Command Line (Logo Windows + R (in Windows 10) ( if images .png and .schematic file are present in the same folder than SchematicToVox.exe
for example
C:\Users\Pilou\Downloads\SchematicToVox-v1.3.1\SchematicToVox.exe --i objecta.schematic --o objecta (will gives you a file.vox)

For an image
C:\Users\Pilou\Downloads\SchematicToVox-v1.3.1\SchematicToVox.exe --i moni.png --o moni --hm 100 --color (will gives you a file.vox)

So at the end Open file .vox inside MagicaVoxel : can be a little long depending of files size!
From: Apophis
20 Jan 2019   [#555]
Many Thanks :-)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
21 Jan 2019   [#556]
Landscape for the pleasure of the eyes! (10 $)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
22 Jan 2019   [#557]

From: mkdm
22 Jan 2019   [#558] In reply to [#557]
Interesting... :)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
22 Jan 2019   [#559]
From a cool French Painting! ;)

Le Rêve du Douanier Rousseau ... 1910...

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
22 Jan 2019   [#560]
Winter-Spring (with my image from DesignSpark Mechanical! ;)

From: mkdm
23 Jan 2019   [#561] In reply to [#560]

Pilou I have a little request... :)

If you want, could you generate some of this renderings with Magica, using one of the painting that I've done in Procreate (on iPad)?

If you can do it, I will sent you a PM with one of my paintings and you can post here your Magica results :)

If you cannot, no problem :)

Let me know. Thanks.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
23 Jan 2019   [#562] In reply to [#561]
No problem it's 30 second for reload something...and you navigate as you want inside "your" image! ;)

Send me anything you want! :)

But why you don't try to make that with Magica ? i have yet took all for that!

I can make a little resume if you want! :)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
23 Jan 2019   [#563]
MagicaVoxel installed

- Load somewhere the last version of SchematicToVox by Zarbuz :

- put your image png 256 colors in the same folder (not obliged but more easy)

- Put the line following inside the command line of windows (Logo Window + R) (for Windows 10 without Pilou of course ;)

​C:\Users\Pilou\Downloads\SchematicToVox-v1.3.2\SchematicToVox.exe --i heightmap.png --o output --hm 100 --color an image

That all : an file output.vox is created : just reload it inside Magica and have fun exploration!

Ps for a Mac I prefere say nothing... because i don't know if the Schematictovox.exe works with this OS !

With an old image created with the incredible free Verve for valide that is writed above! :) (30 seconds all process)

White sun

From: mkdm
23 Jan 2019   [#564] In reply to [#562]
Hi PIlou!

Thanks a lot for your willingness!

And thanks a lot for your quick resume and short tutorial as well!

@You : "But why you don't try to make that with Magica ? i have yet took all for that!"

I'm sorry, but as I said, for the moment I don't have enough extra free time to devote to playing with these things, and actually you're certainly better than me and more skilled to create easily some cool stuff with Magica.

So, I'm going to send you a PM with two of my digital paintings.
I don't know if they're good for the conversion into a Magica's world.

Anyway, you will find a good way to use them into Magica.

Thanks a lot :)
From: mkdm
23 Jan 2019   [#565] In reply to [#562]
Hi Pilou.

I tried to send you mi images via a PM but I get this error while sending:

"The following errors were encountered:
PILOU has opted out of receiving personal messages"
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
23 Jan 2019   [#566] In reply to [#565]
Curious because I receive some PM all days! :) (my PM box is not 100% full )

Try by email if you have always this PM alert message!
From: Michael Gibson
24 Jan 2019   [#567] In reply to [#565]
Hi Marco,

> I tried to send you mi images via a PM but I get this error while sending:
> "The following errors were encountered:
> PILOU has opted out of receiving personal messages"

Maybe it's a bug in the error message - Marco, have you possibly disabled PM messages in your own settings? That's under forum Options > "Email & Privacy" > "Email and contact settings" > "Allow other users to send me personal messages".

Maybe if you have that disabled you won't be able to send a PM either.

- Michael
From: mkdm
24 Jan 2019   [#568] In reply to [#567]
Hi Michael.

@You: "...Maybe if you have that disabled you won't be able to send a PM either..."

Thanks for the tip :)
But I tried to search the options to enable PM again but I don't remember where it is.

Where is it?

From: mkdm
24 Jan 2019   [#569] In reply to [#567]
Found it :)

I'm sorry, I read the previous message too fast ;)
From: mkdm
24 Jan 2019   [#570] In reply to [#566]
Hi Pilou.

No problem with PM. I decided to keep it off.

I share here my two digital paintings that I did in Procreate (on iPad Pro).

If you want, play with them to create something fancy with Magica and share the results here on the Moi's forum :)

Both images are 5464 x 4096 pixels, so pretty big.

Image 1, called "String Theory" (in homage to one of the current theory of theoretical physics)

Original file to download:
Preview in low res:

Image 2, called "Space Lollipop"

Original file to download:
Preview in low res:

Thanks a lot!!

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