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Full Version: Funny thing at the opposite of Moi ;)

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From: mkdm
16 Nov 2018   [#454] In reply to [#453]
Very interesting things and approaches to a particular kind of generative graphics!

Actually I'm much more interested in handmade things, like 2D digital drawings/painting, but your experiments with MagicaVoxel are really interesting!

Thanks :)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
16 Nov 2018   [#455] In reply to [#454]
There are things absolutly astonished in this page! creator of magica!

By Mauri Helme

London at the sea by Ephtracy

From: Metin (METIN_SEVEN)
17 Nov 2018   [#456] In reply to [#455]
In 2009 there was this guy who was already creating minimalistic voxel art, many years before MagicaVoxel. I can't remember his name... Wait, let me Google an article about him...

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
17 Nov 2018   [#457]
For keep the training of the "one minute shot" of every day! :)

From: mkdm
17 Nov 2018   [#458] In reply to [#456]
Great Metin!!

From: mkdm
17 Nov 2018   [#459] In reply to [#457]
From: Metin (METIN_SEVEN)
18 Nov 2018   [#460]
Grazie Marco! And nice work, Pilou!
From: mkdm
18 Nov 2018   [#461] In reply to [#460]
You're welcome :)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
19 Nov 2018   [#462]
The "One minute shot" of the day! :) (Magica of course)

From: mkdm
19 Nov 2018   [#463] In reply to [#462]
I say it in Italian: "Questo é bellissimo!!"

Thanks :)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
20 Nov 2018   [#464]
Magica "one minute shot" of the day :)

altitude "height" from an image created with a crazy 2D prog! (was free in the past)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
21 Nov 2018   [#465]
Blue Morning :)

From: mkdm
21 Nov 2018   [#466] In reply to [#465]
Pilou you're getting better and better on this kind of digital art :)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
21 Nov 2018   [#467]
Funny to explore so many possibilities! ;)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
22 Nov 2018   [#468]
For test a big city format! :)

From: mkdm
22 Nov 2018   [#469] In reply to [#468]
Last image is super cool!

If you could do some of these stuff in print resolution (at least A3 300dpi 4961x3508) I think that you could do a possible business.

Think about it.

Clearly in that case, the images should be very cool and not something "already seen".

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
22 Nov 2018   [#470] In reply to [#469]
Maxi possible with Magica is for the moment 2048 *2048 ;)
From: mkdm
22 Nov 2018   [#471] In reply to [#470]
Check it out:

It's incredibly powerful!
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
23 Nov 2018   [#472] In reply to [#471]
Yes another deep learning application! ;)

Here seems free to * 4 for 15 megas max image! ;) but only 5 images! free but lines' commands so not very friendly UI!

cool articles
From: mkdm
23 Nov 2018   [#473] In reply to [#472]
My two cents about this "ai" topic.

I'm a software developer and terms like "artificial intelligence" "deep learning" "machine learning" and so on, are really, really abused.

Don't forget that all that words are simply what is always existed from the beginning of the computer era, that is: something, some software procedure, written by more or less valid or even genius programmer/engineers, and this software leverage on a certain kind of hardware.

Nothing more than that: are software, ok very complex software, written by people who leverage on scientific knowledge that is already spread into many other disciplines.

A "learning software" is nothing more than a very complex software that follow a predetermined path (complete path) to achieve a wanted result.

The grate power today is that now we can run these kind of software on very capable hardware, very powerful.

No magic behind, no special or "intelligent" things.
But always the same old story: people who try to solve real problems using a computer programming language.

When I see or use a very complex software that give me the "illusion" of some sort of "intelligence" my first tough always goes to the smart people who created it.
They are "smart" "intelligent" "learning".
They, not the machine, the piece of metal.

Let's take the example of Alexa or Siri or other smart "services".

When I say "Hey siri, bla bla bla..." the real truth is that Im' talking indirectly to all the people that engineered that comple software and I say them: "Hey people who are listening, con you help me?"

This is the real fact of the matter.

Great software, complex software on super powerful hardware, created by very smart and capable people who work and strive to create these kind of things.

Have a nice day.

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