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Full Version: Funny thing at the opposite of Moi ;)

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From: amur (STEFAN)
2 Sep 2018   [#348]
Hi Metin,

thanks for the tip with ZBrush. I just converted the dog asset and do with it something in MoI.
It takes a while until it is finished, but i hope the end result will look nice.

From: amur (STEFAN)
2 Sep 2018   [#349]
Hi all,

here is something funny... The first time i use the word penis, in combination with 3D. The penis
gives me non-manifold geometry in my dog model, which i'm currently working on. So i have
to make a female dog... :-D

photo hosting

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2 Sep 2018   [#350] In reply to [#349]
Very conceptual! :)
From: amur (STEFAN)
2 Sep 2018   [#351]
Thank you Pilou! :-)

and here is the final model. Renderings will follow on a later date.


From: amur (STEFAN)
2 Sep 2018   [#352]
...and a rendering. Hope you like!


From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2 Sep 2018   [#353] In reply to [#352]
Remember animal wood building!
(here mechanical)

For the little story : all the animation, modeling etc is made with ArchiCad + GDL language! (not by me! )

From: mkdm
2 Sep 2018   [#354] In reply to [#352]
Very nice Stefan! Very nice :)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2 Sep 2018   [#355]
Any idea for transform this single obj with different materials/colors in different objects by same material/color ?
I was unlucky till now! (detailled workflow needed...)
Thx by advance!
I tought that just some explode, select by colors will be fine but... (without wavy background)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3 Sep 2018   [#356]
About problem above

Edit: resolved : I can make that with the last version of MagicaVoxel before export! :) 0.99.1

make different group by selected colors but maybe I spoke too quickly! :)

PS Seems Last version of Magica has no more Import OBJ : so keep the 0.98 ;)
From: amur (STEFAN)
3 Sep 2018   [#357]
Thank you Marco, much appreciated!

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3 Sep 2018   [#358]
Deep Learning for images * 600 % (99$)
Impossible to make more neat!

From: amur (STEFAN)
4 Sep 2018   [#359]
Hi Pilou,

i just purchased the IMHO awesome Cubik Studio...which allows you to do that
with different materials for colors... As you can see in my picture i exported
a divided sphere from MoI with different styles and then run it through Cubik
Studio. You then have separate objects, which you can then give a different
material in SimLab Composer, i strongly assume.You can also import textured
.obj into Cubik Studio!!!! :-)

P.S. these are then Vertex Colors... I hope SimLab Composer can import and
show vertex colors!

P.P.S. sorry, Pilou it also divides when using complex models in different
areas with more colors, so you need a Polygon Modeler, which a. can
import Vertex Colors and b. then you have to join/seprate the polygons
where the colors are, to get different materials...

It cost only under 20 € and is IMHO well worth it.

image host

From: Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
4 Sep 2018   [#360] In reply to [#359]
Interesting, Stefan. Is Cubik Studio a MagicaVoxel / Qubicle competitor? I'll Google it and have a look.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4 Sep 2018   [#361]
Thx for the efforts!

for the moment i have made hundred of tests! (with programs I have) in a tonne of format! OBJ, DAE, PLY, 3DS
Meshmixer, MeshLab, Wings3D, Blender, SketchUp, pConPlanner and the Voxel Magica, Goxel
(i don't want use Zbrush or 3DCoat because I want a free solution ! ;)

Problem is that Magica produce objects in OBJ formats following that you have made
- one files where colors must be separated in Simlab (impossible easily for the moment)
- multiple files (when you make separated objects) who can't be reloaded mysteriously in simLab at the good place! (and manually one by one)
For the moment best is used SketchUp (.skp) - because arborescence of Objects/ colors are reloaded in one time inside Simlab!
but you must load one by one the objects inside SketchUP before export!
An another mystery is all formats dae, 3ds arrive without colors inside SketchUp!
so the Graal for this easy thing is not yet found! :)

Maybe I miss an option inside Magica for have a "group" of "objects" who can export in one time as group(s) for arrive as arborescence inside SimLab?...

Ps i have found a free Poly2Voxel here! ;)
Right click on your OBJ file object / open with Poly2Voxel

A master Of Magica! It's really a magical program! ;)

From: Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
4 Sep 2018   [#362]
Hey, Cubik Studio stole two of my works for their homepage, without asking for permission (the man on the moon and the gamer on an island). I'm not happy about this and will contact them.
From: amur (STEFAN)
4 Sep 2018   [#363]
Hi Pilou,

i understand, your task with Magica Voxel seems not be so easy. I for myself needed
a solution to have textured Voxels from .obj wich i can easily manipulate in Shade3D.

Later i can then bake textures from such a quad mesh for Maxwell Render.

schnell bilder hochladen

Hi Metin,

that is really not nice from them! Hope you get it sorted out!

From: amur (STEFAN)
4 Sep 2018   [#364]
Hi Metin,

i just checked out your beautiful Voxel works. Really nice images!

How long does it take to work on such images and what editor
have you used?

Best regards
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4 Sep 2018   [#365] In reply to [#52]
I have found a forum about Magica Voxel in French but here in English! ;)

and of course this blog! ;)

by John Kearney

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4 Sep 2018   [#366]
@ MagicaVoxel users!

The OBJ import is yet existing if the button itself don't exist any more on the last version!
(OBJ, vox,Xraw, qb,PNG,TGA), maybe other who knows!
Just DRAG & Drop your file on the screen !!! Excellent!
You can drag & drop during a rendering!!!
this program is realy a true gem!

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4 Sep 2018   [#367]

Somptuous! StarShip & City is of Course by MagicaVoxel!

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