...but (for me) as long as I can..I think that the best and easiest way to create hard-surface things is with Moi.
Its Nurbs modelling tools are so powerful for that kind of stuff.
Anyway...As you said in one of your latest tutorial on your YouTube channel (that I'm following), Blender has a very bright future. Great product!
Thanks for sharing. The guy who created Hard Ops works with me on the Alamo project and has been trying to get me to use it for some time. It's quite powerful. I want to get the basics out of the way first.
Here's helped me with Blender and I've helped him with Moi3d.
maybe interesting for you... It is possible to load .obj meshes into MagicalVoxel,
when converting .obj to .off and then use these two converters* from here:
or even if you want only render you have the free Simlab Composer Lite (works with any 3D format files! :)
who has a Voxel function! :) (Maxi 1920*1040) (you can only save in proprietary format! )