Unlimited amazing exploration!
The good point is the experiment in direct online!
The bad point is the necessary time to integrate code learning! :)
Java Script + Html ?
Amazing! Some of that tools are useful also for export things in vector or 3D format that you can use in other software like Moi or any Affinity Designer.
Yes that cool but need to learn some new tools...
I see something like p5.js make the same but is 3 times less speed than classic Processing...
In any case amazing tools for "big heads"! :)
I apologize if I use this channel to ask you something specific, but I don't want to send PM.
Just out of curiosity : Are you still supporting the beta testing of R3F ?
Many interesting things has happened there.
In this period I've supported Istonia/Samardac with a huge testing phase, still not finished.
Now R3F has become even more a very good, low cost, companion for Moi.
It now has a very powerful "Take Snaphsot" command also with the chance to generate AO.
Ok, a very simple version of AO, but for quick image composition purposes in super high resolution (up to 16K) is more than enough.
<< Are you still supporting the beta testing of R3F
Of course yes but alas no time to use and test it for the moment! :(
I maintain the French part of the forum when a new version is stable!
I pass all days on the forum and seen the AO adventure testing... :)