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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
29 Jan 2018   [#232]
After several attempts, it appears that FormZ Free is the closest to SketchUp Make in terms of organisation!

An interface a little less "fluid" but we manage much better than Shape's interface, which is a little bit of a puzzle! :-P

And there are some nice little ones, staircases, automatic roofs etc... as well as a practical volume "unfurler"!
A hint of Nurbs...

A "all-in-one" performance for not a dime! ;)

Allows import SKP, dwg, etc... and export STL and DAE (so re-loadable directly in SketchUp).

If you have better do not hesitate!

From: chippwalters
30 Jan 2018   [#233]
As a bonus, it's also operates as a Solid Modeler-- so that means it has great filleting and 3D prints.

I agree, it is a good program. I have it but haven't used it in years. Need to rethink that now that SU is off to the cloud soon.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
30 Jan 2018   [#234] In reply to [#233]
<< so that means it has great filleting

Not in the "Free" version ! ;)
So some boolean operations (permited) for make it!
From: John (OKEN)
30 Jan 2018   [#235]
Hi Guys and specially Pilou,

What about Pcon-Planner ! A great free software close to Sketchup for architecture and design and even has an internal rendering engine.

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
31 Jan 2018   [#236] In reply to [#235]
<< about Pcon-Planner !
was yet listed some posts above!!! ;)

Sure but its ergonomy for modeling is not directly friendly!
One button render very cool
Its function to import directly objects from producers very cool!
dwg / skp in every way very cool!
From: Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
31 Jan 2018   [#237]
You'll probably like this Blender add-on, Pilou:
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1 Feb 2018   [#238] In reply to [#237]
I am not yet genetically modified for use Blender! :)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1 Feb 2018   [#239]
2 years after a new "machine" (AlphaGo Zero) put a 100 to 0 against AlphaGo!

I leave you to imagine what it would be like against a poor human being! :)

And this having formed itself, just with the rules of the game!


And poignant video (Vo) of man's first fight against the "old AlphaGo".

I am waiting when "Deep learning" will be used for 3D creation! ;)
From: Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
2 Feb 2018   [#240]
Cool, thanks for sharing, Pilou. I love keeping track of AI developments.

I thought you were also partly a Blender guy. :)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2 Feb 2018   [#241] In reply to [#240]
I prefere lost time in playing Go Game than lost time fighting against Blender! :)
From: chippwalters
2 Feb 2018   [#242]
Thanks for sharing the go video, Frenchy. Fascinating.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
6 Feb 2018   [#243]
An another free one for replace SketchUp free 2018 :)
Hexagon (a French one at the start - very good ergonomy)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
6 Feb 2018   [#244]
All free!

and Pcon-planner has a terrific function: direct import objects from manufacturers over the world!
It can Import/ export SKP, dwg, SAT formats (so Moi files! ;) for make a file format ".PEC" for reload online to Impress

From: mkdm
6 Feb 2018   [#245] In reply to [#243]
I have it!

...and sometime I use it :) but for me it's almost a sort of "vintage" software :)

Thanks Pilou.

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8 Feb 2018   [#246]
Bingo! (because i don't success till now, i don't gave the good public authorisation to my Google Drive Cloud)

you must see 2 walls, a floor and a guy! ( a simple skp example file who is on my Google Drive)

but that can be any 3D files who is accepted by PCon Planner!

All is free!

Have fun 360°, VR walking etc...!
From: mkdm
8 Feb 2018   [#247] In reply to [#246]
Thanks you very much Pilou!!

... how much you know about any sort of trick !! :) :)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8 Feb 2018   [#248]
Inside a web site! :) (bottom page)
From: mkdm
8 Feb 2018   [#249] In reply to [#248]
Very interesting!

Thanks Pilou!
From: chippwalters
8 Feb 2018   [#250] In reply to [#248]

You should create a YouTube channel where you keep folks updated on the latest 3D tools available. I suspect you could get quite a following!
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
9 Feb 2018   [#251] In reply to [#250]
Guys and Ladies must go on this thread! :)

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