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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
28 Jan 2018   [#231]
About Shape!
It's violent as a program, scabious fillets, multiple extrusions and boolean operations etc... but requires a certain "dexterity" for all that is on screen selection and choice of functions! :)

Objects from an XY frame were exploded once to separate and make them independent. Otherwise no multiple intersections!
The face of the pyramid is taken as a "cutting or not"object.
Clicking CTRL several times shows the different Cutting options.
We stop here on the cutting without keeping the extruded sharp object!

If one side of the pyramid is selected, you must hold down the CTRL key to select the complete pyramid and Skip/Drag to the different function icons!
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
29 Jan 2018   [#232]
After several attempts, it appears that FormZ Free is the closest to SketchUp Make in terms of organisation!

An interface a little less "fluid" but we manage much better than Shape's interface, which is a little bit of a puzzle! :-P

And there are some nice little ones, staircases, automatic roofs etc... as well as a practical volume "unfurler"!
A hint of Nurbs...

A "all-in-one" performance for not a dime! ;)

Allows import SKP, dwg, etc... and export STL and DAE (so re-loadable directly in SketchUp).

If you have better do not hesitate!

From: chippwalters
30 Jan 2018   [#233]
As a bonus, it's also operates as a Solid Modeler-- so that means it has great filleting and 3D prints.

I agree, it is a good program. I have it but haven't used it in years. Need to rethink that now that SU is off to the cloud soon.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
30 Jan 2018   [#234] In reply to [#233]
<< so that means it has great filleting

Not in the "Free" version ! ;)
So some boolean operations (permited) for make it!
From: John (OKEN)
30 Jan 2018   [#235]
Hi Guys and specially Pilou,

What about Pcon-Planner ! A great free software close to Sketchup for architecture and design and even has an internal rendering engine.

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
31 Jan 2018   [#236] In reply to [#235]
<< about Pcon-Planner !
was yet listed some posts above!!! ;)

Sure but its ergonomy for modeling is not directly friendly!
One button render very cool
Its function to import directly objects from producers very cool!
dwg / skp in every way very cool!
From: Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
31 Jan 2018   [#237]
You'll probably like this Blender add-on, Pilou:
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1 Feb 2018   [#238] In reply to [#237]
I am not yet genetically modified for use Blender! :)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1 Feb 2018   [#239]
2 years after a new "machine" (AlphaGo Zero) put a 100 to 0 against AlphaGo!

I leave you to imagine what it would be like against a poor human being! :)

And this having formed itself, just with the rules of the game!


And poignant video (Vo) of man's first fight against the "old AlphaGo".

I am waiting when "Deep learning" will be used for 3D creation! ;)
From: Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
2 Feb 2018   [#240]
Cool, thanks for sharing, Pilou. I love keeping track of AI developments.

I thought you were also partly a Blender guy. :)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2 Feb 2018   [#241] In reply to [#240]
I prefere lost time in playing Go Game than lost time fighting against Blender! :)
From: chippwalters
2 Feb 2018   [#242]
Thanks for sharing the go video, Frenchy. Fascinating.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
6 Feb 2018   [#243]
An another free one for replace SketchUp free 2018 :)
Hexagon (a French one at the start - very good ergonomy)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
6 Feb 2018   [#244]
All free!

and Pcon-planner has a terrific function: direct import objects from manufacturers over the world!
It can Import/ export SKP, dwg, SAT formats (so Moi files! ;) for make a file format ".PEC" for reload online to Impress

From: mkdm
6 Feb 2018   [#245] In reply to [#243]
I have it!

...and sometime I use it :) but for me it's almost a sort of "vintage" software :)

Thanks Pilou.

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8 Feb 2018   [#246]
Bingo! (because i don't success till now, i don't gave the good public authorisation to my Google Drive Cloud)

you must see 2 walls, a floor and a guy! ( a simple skp example file who is on my Google Drive)

but that can be any 3D files who is accepted by PCon Planner!

All is free!

Have fun 360°, VR walking etc...!
From: mkdm
8 Feb 2018   [#247] In reply to [#246]
Thanks you very much Pilou!!

... how much you know about any sort of trick !! :) :)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8 Feb 2018   [#248]
Inside a web site! :) (bottom page)
From: mkdm
8 Feb 2018   [#249] In reply to [#248]
Very interesting!

Thanks Pilou!
From: chippwalters
8 Feb 2018   [#250] In reply to [#248]

You should create a YouTube channel where you keep folks updated on the latest 3D tools available. I suspect you could get quite a following!

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