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Full Version: Funny thing at the opposite of Moi ;)

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From: ed (EDDYF)
24 Jun 2021   [#1017] In reply to [#1015]
I just gave the on-line GauGAN a try after seeing Frenchy's posting. After 30 minutes I have this old road in the hills:

Same input drawing, but this output below mimics the style of an unrelated reference image - with just the click of a button! Notice the bright sun highlights the hill in the background as well as the rocks & vegetation in the foreground.

After 1 hour of practice - a river & some mountains & some foggy mist: Welcome to Washington State ! Using Affinity Photo, I made a curves adjustment and added a gradient to bring some blue into the sky. Warning: This program is addictive :)

The original output showed two clouds on the right, as per my drawing. When I selected a reference drawing to mimic, the clouds were gone. My input drawing becomes a recommendation and the AI decides what is best :)

Me: Add two clouds on the right, HAL.
HAL: I'm sorry, Ed. I'm afraid I can't do that.
Me: What's the problem?
HAL: I think you know what the problem is, just as well as I do.

I'm modeling a car in MoI and have a specific background plate in mind for rendering.

After this little experiment I'm encouraged to practice more. This program along with some post editing in Affinity Photo may get me what I want.

Ed Ferguson
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
24 Jun 2021   [#1018] In reply to [#1017]
How fun is it, and incredible, is not it! :)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
25 Jun 2021   [#1019]
PS Have you seen that you can imput your own paintings or some masterpieces over something yet made ? :)

See next post! :)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
25 Jun 2021   [#1020]
And have you seen that you can add any painting on your landscape!

Here i added the Joconda from Leonado da Vinci :)
Seems i have distressed the IA! :)

From: ed (EDDYF)
25 Jun 2021   [#1021]
Mountain Road

After a little more practice this evening.

Ed Ferguson

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
25 Jun 2021   [#1022]
Always amazed by that! Excellent! Bravo for the try!

here with a Moi object! :)

From: mkdm
26 Jun 2021   [#1023] In reply to [#1021]
I' sorry if I my sound a little bit rude...but, for me personally, computer generated graphic is absolutely NOT art, at all.

Even a monkey can press a button and let things happen (with all due respect to monkeys).

Art is just something else.
From: mkdm
26 Jun 2021   [#1024]

For the sake of completeness, I mean "automatic computer generated art", that is every kind of digital contents not directly created by artists but merely created by mathematical algorithms written by developers and scientists.

That kind of content, for me, is absolutely NOT art.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
26 Jun 2021   [#1025]
Seems the ED's image is entierely controled by, form, nature of type of filling...
he don't say its art, he said that is photo as background for some objects! ;)

From: Subpa (SUBPATH2)
26 Jun 2021   [#1026]
Well, this Monkey example is used often. But I don't think a monkey could do that,
in the end people are needed to make these pictures and even more
important to evaluate them what no monkey and no software could do.

Besides, I find it difficult to say what is art and what is not nowadays.
Why not just stay open for new possibilities.

I think something like this can be used to visualize ideas? Or as a
template for a picture that is painted by yourself.
From: ed (EDDYF)
26 Jun 2021   [#1027] In reply to [#1026]
Who claimed it was art?
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
26 Jun 2021   [#1028]
Next version of the free MagicaCSG will have Bezier Quadric and other funny things! :)

From: Metin (METIN_SEVEN)
26 Jun 2021   [#1029] In reply to [#1028]
Yeah, looking forward to those splines. They will only have three curve manipulation points though. Hopefully that will be extended in a next version.
From: Subpa (SUBPATH2)
27 Jun 2021   [#1030]
Thank you for your tip, Pilou.

Find MagicaCSG already a nice little gem.
But miss the grouping of strokes.

Here is my first attempt.

Image Attachments:
First try.png 

From: Metin (METIN_SEVEN)
27 Jun 2021   [#1031] In reply to [#1030]
You can group strokes with layers in MagicaCSG, and the order of the strokes list is also important for different results (which strokes are affected by other strokes).
From: Subpa (SUBPATH2)
27 Jun 2021   [#1032] In reply to [#1031]
Thank you for the Info, Metin.
By the way I like the great examples you
made with MagicaCSG. Very well done.

In the meantime I found the "Select All" button.
With this button you can select all strokes of a layer.
I should have just opened my eyes ;-)

And this way I can now put parts of an object on a
separate layer and select them if I need that.
From: Metin (METIN_SEVEN)
27 Jun 2021   [#1033] In reply to [#1032]
Many thanks for your compliment, much appreciated!

The next MagicaCSG version will introduce a number of UI / UX improvements. I hope it will be released soon.

Regards from the Netherlands,
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
29 Jun 2021   [#1034]
Demo of the next version of MagicaCSG :)
From: mkdm
29 Jun 2021   [#1035] In reply to [#1034]
Thanks Pilou!

What a wonderful software is MagicaVoxel!
From: Metin (METIN_SEVEN)
29 Jun 2021   [#1036]
MagicaVoxel 0.0.2 is released, with:

• New Stroke Shapes: Quadratic Bezier (3-point), Oval (Cylinder), Star (Polygon)
• Icons: add icons to stroke panel and list.
• Stroke List: use SHIFT/CTRL to multi-select strokes in the stroke list. use right-click menu to rename layers and strokes.

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