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Full Version: mesh edges not aligned when exporting (Closed)

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From: Michael Gibson
7 Dec 2010   [#122] In reply to [#118]
Hi Steve,

> Well my last post.

> This is a section of that model.

> Render of vertex normals

> Render of smoothing.

Looks pretty good! It's hard to tell in detail though with only looking at a single view angle, reflection imperfections are easier to notice when moving the model around some.

But anyway, great job doing a bunch of work to get the exact same rendered result as before.

For most people though doing a bunch of work to get the same result is completely pointless.

- Michael
From: Michael Gibson
7 Dec 2010   [#123]
And really this thread has become pointless as well, I'll close it so that nobody has to waste their time on it anymore.

- Michael

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