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Hi Dave
Looks really promising. good fun and MoI looked fast running the scripts. Are you planning to share this when you are happy with its function? It would be good to have a play with it, good to see an easy way to load and edit scripts.
It would be good if there was a library of scripts to base new ones on and learn from. Maybe a scripts thread on the forum.
From: candide
Good work!
From: Dave Morrill (DMORRILL)
Here's the first example of a custom external program driving MoI via the external script interface:
If there's any interest, I'll post another video tomorrow showing this program in action...
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From: okapi
Great work Dave.
If I am understanding this right, this would be a visual interface for scripting or for creating parameter driver dependencies in MOI?
This would be fantastic.
From: NightCabbage
I'm interested!! :D
From: Dave Morrill (DMORRILL)
For the one guy *cough* NightCabbage *cough* that expressed interest, I've added a new video showing a Python user interface added to the lattice script used in the previous video. Same link as before: <<hijacked URL removed>>
From: BurrMan
>>>>>To elaborate my comments!>>>>>>>>>>
Absolutely NO idea whats being discussed and so far off base it made me Laugh!
From: Brian (BWTR)
From: Dan (CORNYSH)
>For the one guy *cough* NightCabbage *cough* that expressed interest
We're all interested Dave, just too shy to put our hands up.
Looks potentially very useful I must say.
From: Nick (BODINI)
wow, thats cool!
From: falcon76
I'm really interested too!!!
Can you, please, explain how do you have done the graphic interface for the script? It's really amazing.
i'm also interested, but would like to know what you are going to do with it. Are you going to build something to sell or for sharing or is it for show?
From: Dave Morrill (DMORRILL)
OK, day 3 since the "Aha!" moment, and things are really starting to get interesting. Here's a new screenshot:
I'm writing a Python script now that displays a tree view of all the MoI Python scripts in a certain sub-tree of your file system. You can then select the scripts you are interested in by clicking on them and, if you want, run any or all of them simultaneously (as illustrated in the screenshot). Still early going on this, but it's coming along pretty fast. Maybe a new video tomorrow...
>We're all interested Dave, just too shy to put our hands up.
>Looks potentially very useful I must say.
Might be a sub-optimal strategy. One of the things I'm trying to figure out by posting here is if there is much interest in this sort of stuff within the MoI community.
>Can you, please, explain how do you have done the graphic interface for the script? It's really amazing.
falcon76, I'll be adding more technical details as it gets fleshed out a bit more. Things are moving pretty fast at the moment, and everything is in quite a bit of flux. As a quick tidbit, here is the current Python script for the random lines UI shown in the screenshot:
""" Create a set of random lines within a specified volume. """
from traits.api import Range, View, Item, SliderEditor
slider = SliderEditor( body_style = 25 )
class RandomLines ( MoIScript ):
lines = Range( 1, 1000, 100 )
x = Range( 1, 100, 20 )
y = Range( 1, 100, 20 )
z = Range( 1, 100, 20 )
view = View(
Item( 'lines', editor = slider ),
Item( 'x', editor = slider ),
Item( 'y', editor = slider ),
Item( 'z', editor = slider )
And here is the corresponding Javascript code that MoI executes:
_( do_for( %(lines)d, function() {
return line(
random_pt( %(x)d, %(y)d, %(z)d ),
random_pt( %(x)d, %(y)d, %(z)d ) );
} ) );
Just FYI, the Python stuff is based on a package I've been working on for the last eight years (hint: from traits.api...).
>i'm also interested, but would like to know what you are going to do with it. Are you going to build something to sell or for sharing or is it for show?
Don't know yet. I guess that is part of what I'm trying to figure out now. Depends upon how much interest there is and what people are looking for. Right now I've got more ideas than fingers to type with :-)
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From: NightCabbage
This thing will be SO useful!!
From: possum
Very impressive-this will be interesting to see where you can take this.
From: Jesse
Really interesting! As others have mentioned,
There's enormous potential for your project...
From: Hamish Mead (HAIRYKIWI)
My first post, so first off, a huge thank you to Michael for MoI! It's the dogs dangly bits! (As they say, where I come from. :-)
Dave, Great work - very exciting stuff!
After recently being introduced to Grasshopper for Rhino, I'm very interested in your work too. (Before you ask, I haven't used Grasshopper.)
Grasshopper is described at as being, "For designers who are exploring new shapes using generative algorithms, Grasshopper® is a graphical algorithm editor tightly integrated with Rhino’s 3-D modeling tools. Unlike RhinoScript, Grasshopper requires no knowledge of programming or scripting, but still allows designers to build form generators from the simple to the awe-inspiring."
One look in the Grasshopper gallery will show the power of scripting for non-programmers:
It's early days, I appreciate, but can you envisage your MoI driving app being anything like Grasshopper?
- Hamish Mead
From: Dave Morrill (DMORRILL)
> It's early days, I appreciate, but can you envisage your MoI driving app being anything like Grasshopper?
Hmm, good question. I've only looked at Grasshopper briefly, long before I started any of this (and I don't own a copy of Rhino, so it was only a very cursory look), but it is probably worth taking another look. I suspect we are both playing in the same space, but I'll make a note to check it out again, and let you know if I find anything worth thinking about in more detail. Thanks for bringing it up...
From: rhodesy
Blimey, if you could create something like grasshopper for moi that would be very impressive. Some sort of panneling tools would be very much appreciated and quite unexpected. Im no scripter but would love to be a ble to form generative shapes ala grasshopper. Exciting stuff your doing here, thanks a lot.
From: Dymaxion
Oh, wow, this is absolutely wonderful! I've been meaning to build basically exactly this for years, but it's kept getting punted in favor of other projects. I'm a python programmer and while I still don't have much time, I'd be wonderfully interested in getting the code to play with some time.
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