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Full Version: Moi V5 Beta UI Themes

From: vic
14 Dec 2024   [#1]
I like to share some Moi theme. Those theme s only work on V4 with Moi v5 beta.
1-Un zip file
2-Open options.
3-Open manage themes.
4-Open Themes Folder.
5-Drag file to themes folder.
6-On Ui Theme select folder to use.

-Dark 008_Black Charcoal_Highlight
-Dark 011_Blue
-Dark 03_Minimal_Flat_Light
-Dark 07_Black
-Default 03_Off_White_Classic

From: Michael Gibson
14 Dec 2024   [#2] In reply to [#1]
Thanks for sharing these vic!

- Michael
From: Larry Fahnoe (FAHNOE)
18 Dec 2024   [#3] In reply to [#1]
Hi Vic,

First, thank you for the theme examples & the concise installation notes.

However, may I humbly suggest that you consider removing the leading dash "-" from the filenames please? If a separator is important to you, perhaps use underscore "_" instead? My rationale is that the UNIX shell utilities take the dash as a command modifier thus a command like:

% unzip -l -Dark 008_Black\ Charcoal_Highlight\

does not work because unzip doesn't understand "-D". Sure I know in this day and age everyone just clicks madly but for those of us who prefer to inspect what it is that we've just downloaded before using it, little things like filename conventions do matter.

While I'm nit-picking, you also may wish to exclude the macOS dot files & directories from your archive as they're not necessary for MoI:

% unzip -l Default\ 03_Off_White_Classic\ 
Archive:  Default 03_Off_White_Classic
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
        0  05-23-2023 11:08   -Default 03_Off_White_Classic Background/
     6148  05-23-2023 11:08   -Default 03_Off_White_Classic Background/.DS_Store
      120  12-14-2024 10:29   __MACOSX/-Default 03_Off_White_Classic Background/._.DS_Store
     4096  09-20-2024 10:35   -Default 03_Off_White_Classic Background/._.DS_Store
      191  09-24-2022 13:21   -Default 03_Off_White_Classic Background/moi.css
     6615  02-22-2024 11:42   -Default 03_Off_White_Classic Background/
     1881  10-13-2022 17:36   -Default 03_Off_White_Classic Background/Point.png
      176  12-14-2024 10:29   __MACOSX/-Default 03_Off_White_Classic Background/._Point.png
     4096  09-20-2024 10:35   -Default 03_Off_White_Classic Background/._Point.png
---------                     -------
    23323                     9 files
