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Full Version: Nvil or Blender

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From: Gary (CHIKEGA)
9 Nov 2024   [#33] In reply to [#30]
Bojan Koturanović does a great job creating imaginary medical devices combining Moi3D and Modo in his video tutorials:

Image Attachments:

From: Gary (CHIKEGA)
9 Nov 2024   [#34] In reply to [#18]
Wings 3D has a cool history as it was heavily inspired by Nendo and Mirai which I had always wanted to get my hands on. I remember Bay Raitt using it for 3d modeling back in the 90's. As some of you may know, he was the lead facial modeler for Golem (Lord of the Rings trilogy) at Weta.

Also of note, Wings3D was created using Erlang, a functional programming language which is not typically used to build 3d software. Very cool!
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
10 Nov 2024   [#35] In reply to [#34]
And the Wings 3D under Steroïds : "ManifoldLab" who add tones of crazy functions!

By Ggaliens
Manifold Lab fork of Wings 3D! (maybe not the last version...
site : is not more accessible!
So this is better than nothing! ;) By Ggaliens

Structures following can be made also very easilly in seconds by the Free TopMod!

From: Matadem
10 Nov 2024   [#36]
Yes it is simple enough to try in Moi but I have other more complex things I am trying to do in the future.
I think Plasticity would be a good option too but Ill buy it next year.(for xnurbs)
Everything I do at one point start or go thru Moi. I guess I am comfortable with the ui.

I bought that tutorial it is what got me going with Moi3d.

I tried wings 3d but Nvil still seems faster.

I tried doing the same thing in Nvil and Blender. and I was faster in I removed blender...because I am not going to use it for now.
I tried Modo...but my laptop seems underpowered for it :/

I might try it later...but then again I might never need it.
One thing I also look at is program startup time.....that is one thing I do not like about bigger programs...affinity takes a while to load.
I want to be in and out as quickly as possible.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
10 Nov 2024   [#37] In reply to [#36]
Wings 3D is not a model of Interface user! :) Old School !

Plasticity is the more Dynamic modeler that you can find...but you must love shortcuts! :)
See videos by Arrimus3D who was also a Moi3D user!
From: Marc (TELLIER)
13 Nov 2024   [#38]

Silo is a solid polygonal software, it had new updates lately.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
15 Nov 2024   [#39]
Very instructive for the Poly Box Modeling!

From: Matadem
29 Nov 2024   [#40]
Just got plasticity...Xnurbs seems awesome...
UI is weird to me...

So it seems it will end up the way I am using vcarve....Everything is done in Moi then send to vcarve....
Hopefully Moi can get xnurbs as well in the future...
21 Dec 2024   [#41] In reply to [#19]
I love Hexagon, It is a very easy 3D modeling app. And free from DAZ3D. I would also recommend Wings3D which is also free.

I tried Rocket3F and NVil. Prefered Rocket3F as Nvil has a very confusing ui (IMHO) and much preferred the commercial app Silo3D over both.

Hexagon3D has some more advanced tools then Wings3D. Silo3D also has a some advanced tools over Wings3D but not as much as Hexagon3D.

Hexagon3D can be prone to crashing on Windows 10 or 11 as it has not been supported or updated in several years.

Curvy3D is an inexpensive app that is fun to play with. but I rarely use now that I have 3D Coat.

I bit the bullet and fought with Blender, now that I understand it, it is quite simple. But it took me close to 6 months to get comfortable with it.
And there are a ton of addons (both free and paid) that can simplify things quite a bit.

I now longer use Hexagon3D or Silo. However I will fire up Wings3D a few times an year.

I would suggest try Wings3d or Hexagon3D (but beware it can be quite unstable). But going the Blender route will pay off in the end.
21 Dec 2024   [#42] In reply to [#27]
I agree 100% on Solo3D being easier then Nvil.

I thought Truespace had a bad UI. Nvil is a close 2nd.
21 Dec 2024   [#43] In reply to [#28]
Does the FREE Modo license include the Mesh Fusion plugin?

I was a big fan of Groboto3D until the developer stopped developing it and opted to concentrate more on the Groboto plugin for Modo - Mesh Fusion.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
22 Dec 2024   [#44]
The free Clavicula is also a cool one!
22 Dec 2024   [#45] In reply to [#43]
Ok, I downloaded Modo v 17.1 and it does include MeshFusion.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
22 Dec 2024   [#46] In reply to [#45]
All is free or you must be an old Modo licensed user ?
From: Matadem
22 Dec 2024   [#47]
Modo is free to download with its it from their site.. but I got the V16 Since PaQ mentioned the newer version crashed allot.
Nvil seems daunting...but once you get used to it is very quick and relaxing to work with.
What actually sold me on Nvil was this video Zbrush,Nvil to Moi3d....on top of that that clean looking ui.
You can modify the ui completely to your needs...but I just need dark mode in the apps I work with and I am good.
Coming from Moi which is the only 3d program I work with basically every polygon was very confusing (even after all the years looking at blender tutorials and making nothing )
On top of that learning a new program.....I asked allot and I mean allot of questions(pages).. He took the time to answer all of them...including posting youtube videos
Of what I was stuck with...he deserves my money lol.

its even on steam now 50% off
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
23 Dec 2024   [#48] In reply to [#47]
Yep NVil now...on Stream has a nice price! :)
Normally 30-Day Low Now
54,99€ 27,49€ 27,49€
From: PaQ
24 Dec 2024   [#49]
Looks like Modo 17.1v1 - 26 November 2024 (what a fun naming convention) is supposed to get stability back, while keeping the perf boost vs 16x serie.
I haven't touch Modo for so long, the UI looks way more intimidating compared to 801 era ...

If it wasn't clear you can grab a copy here :
And the license here :

No need to have a Foundry account. (Thanks Greg Leuenberger from PixelFondue)
29 Dec 2024   [#50] In reply to [#43]
MeshFusion is included with version 17.1 of Modo I installed and registered with their free 10 year license.

However I am finding the interface of Modo more confusing then Blender was to me when I first started using Blender 2.9.

And MeshFusion is not as friendly as Groboto3D's interface.

IMHO the best user interface of any software app is MOI3D.
In a day I felt very comfortable with it.

I love Blender but I have a big hate on for some of their add-ons like Hard Ops, Boxcutter, Fluent to name a few. Reason being they rely on memorizing short cuts.
Plasticity also relies heavily onshortcuts.

Tried Nvil and hated it. Terrible user interface. Rocket3F was better but did not like it.

MOI3D does not seem to rely on shortcuts and I've never had to use s single one.

I simply use too many apps (Photoshop, Adobe Lightroom, Topaz Studio, Corel Painter, Rebelle, ArtRage, Blender, 3D Coat, MOI3D, Daz Studio, e-onsoftware's Vue and sometimes Curvy3D or ZBrush Lite) to retain shortcuts.
I also maintain at home two Unraid NAS, an Ubtuntu samba server as well as two Windows computers (10 & 11).

I also plan on creating a pfsense firewall.

My issues with MOI were never with the app. It was other issues which continue to annoy me.

I still have a love for Hexagon3D but it is very unstable on my Windows 10 and 11 computers.

I would still being using Silo3D if Nevercentre had not stopped developing it for a while. However they recently started offering updates to a newer version but I thought the cost was a little too much.

Wings 3Dis fun and free, but has limited capabilities compared to Hexagon or Silo3D.

One big thing I dislike about Blender (besides shortcuts) and each install of a newer release requires you re-install your add-ons. Unlike Photoshop which seldom requires an re-install of a plugin.
From: PaQ
29 Dec 2024   [#51] In reply to [#50]
That's the real beauty of MoI. You can operate it entirely with a single mouse button without ever touching the keyboard, or you can go all-in with shortcuts. The fact that shortcuts can also run scripts makes it incredibly powerful.

As for Modo, I feel that at some point, they started adding features to the UI mainly to satisfy their existing customer base (and perhaps the shoe industry) without much thought for potential new users.

I do agree with you KENMO, heavily based addons software like Blender are always a nightmare to keep up to date, new release break things, Blender dev's dont really care (and they shouldn't imho). It was already the case with 3dsmax, even if usually there was a 2y cycles before going full break.

That said in the little poly modelling landscape, I still think Blender is the wise choice if you start from scartch. Not the easiest to learn, but on the long run it will pay off. There is so much content for it now too.
30 Dec 2024   [#52] In reply to [#51]
Been playing a bit with Modo ver 17.1, Wow, what a piece of crap. Very slow on my Ryzen 3700 8 core / 16 thread with 32 gbs of memory. Prone to a few crashes.
And to think Foundry was selling this app for $1200.00. Silo is just over $100, Blender and Hexagon are free and MOI is a steal at the price it is currently selling at.

MeshFusion is a complete disappointment to me. I find it very confusing as I was expecting something more like is sibling, Groboto3D.

Perhaps the earlier versions of Modo are more stable and have better performance? Anyone know what is the best version of Modo?

Playing around in Modo 17.1 gave me a greater appreciation for 3D Coat, MOI and Blender.

Cheers & Happy New Year everyone...


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