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Full Version: Nvil or Blender

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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3 Nov 2024   [#17]
you can make this sort of subdivision directly in moi! ;)
Maybe less easily but... as you start from imagination from nothing that progress as we go along...

Only 4 tools! THX Max Smirnov! ;)

3 Nov 2024   [#18] In reply to [#1]
You could give Wings 3D a try. Sub-D modeler with clutter-free interface.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3 Nov 2024   [#19]
This old free or quasi free one is not so bad too! ;) Hexagon 2 (old French Quality)
And some easy against other polys modelers!

Very light interface like Moi! ;)

Inside Moi with _ImportOBJ by Max Smirnov...somany faces... but Nurbs!

So export from Hexagon as Subdiv 0 and reload with the Native SubD of Moi! SubD / Create from file!

That is perfect! :) Pure Nurbs!

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3 Nov 2024   [#20]
Careful with the Nurbs result inside MOI : it must be not self intersected !

Following Booelan Diff was not work (even Boolean Merge does) :)

So better to have clean models! ;)

Some cool Videos here ;)

From: PaQ
3 Nov 2024   [#21] In reply to [#20]
Hexagon is a dead product really :S Too bad his ancestor (Amapi) was really something back in the days.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4 Nov 2024   [#22] In reply to [#21]
Hexagon : dead yes but yet mature one! :)
Sufficient for some many things...
Has a friendly Interface...
Here Dynamic Geometry...

Alas Amapi never comes back!...
Some little numerous happy fews have the last beta version who blend Nurbs and Polys! ;)

All videos of the manual are here!
From: Matadem
4 Nov 2024   [#23]
Thanks to all the is good to get to know some other less known softwares.
Usually I do not care if a software is long as I can get the job done quickly that is my main priority.

Ill stick to Nvil ...seems quick enough for me.

Attached is what I am trying to model (if anyone remembers the old vintage tamiya's)

trying to do the body with polygons (I am sure it can be done in Moi...but I cannot lol ...for now)
for the chassis and wheels...Moi wins hands down.


Image Attachments:

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4 Nov 2024   [#24] In reply to [#23]
A friend guy has made your car and many others models of Tamiya in Skethup! (Of course It was a Master of SketchUp) ;)
It was optimaforever! ;)
So quasi any modeler can make any thing as soon as you master it! ;)
By Optimaforever with SketchUp + TheaRender

Bon courage! ;)
From: Elang
5 Nov 2024   [#25]
I would say: go with NVIL for modelling 'cages' which can be subd-imported into Moi3D later, then add details in conveniently.

Blender sure is excellent, but it's too big for just modelling purpose (no UV mapping, no texturing, rigging, animation, etc).
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7 Nov 2024   [#26]
Automatic repair inside free MeshMixer = 1 second! (necessary here for the _ImportOB... )
Hexagon 2 : a Polys modeler in fact very complete and some easy! :)

Inside Vizcom
prompt : divan

From: Gary (CHIKEGA)
9 Nov 2024   [#27] In reply to [#20]
I have a long history with 3d since the early 90's - used many software including some that are now dead (eg. Softimage) or soon to be dead (Modo). But one of my favorite dedicated polygonal modelers is Silo3D. NVil is very good too, but is not as easy as Silo3D.
From: PaQ
9 Nov 2024   [#28] In reply to [#27]
Talking about dead software, Modo is now free for the next 10y.
I'm still not sure how long Foundry will allow this, as I first thought it that it only available for existing customer, but for the time been you can download 16 or 17, and use the free EOL license.

To me it's still the king for precise SDS modelling today, with probably a better user experience out of the box (no addons required) than Blender.

Edit : Well actually that v17 is a crash party, at best it's an alpha version. Looks like 16.1 is the stable version. I almost forget how unstable Modo is :O)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
9 Nov 2024   [#29]
For speedy modeling in seconds to Moi and true OBJ if needing...
the cool Hexagon 2

Export at OBJ format - level 0 : 220 faces
here Hexagon 2 - level 2 : 3520 faces

In Moi
SubD / Create from File in Moi : 1 second : 2 solids 28 faces

From: Matadem
9 Nov 2024   [#30]
Modo option seems nice...going to check it out.
I managed to make something ...just testing this out...
but it seems to me would be faster to export and boolean certain parts in Moi.

for wheels, chassis and mechanical parts ...I would not even try with polygons lol.

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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
9 Nov 2024   [#31]
free TopMod --> free Hexagon 2 (if 3D deformations wanted) --> Moi 3D
Free MeshMixer if repair necessary

for inside Moi for any reason...

From: PaQ
9 Nov 2024   [#32]

Well, even that car body is not that organic imho to justify using SDS poly modelling. It should be possible to build it in Moi directly without too much trouble, especially now that you have some sort of "draft" poly version.
From: Gary (CHIKEGA)
9 Nov 2024   [#33] In reply to [#30]
Bojan Koturanović does a great job creating imaginary medical devices combining Moi3D and Modo in his video tutorials:

Image Attachments:

From: Gary (CHIKEGA)
9 Nov 2024   [#34] In reply to [#18]
Wings 3D has a cool history as it was heavily inspired by Nendo and Mirai which I had always wanted to get my hands on. I remember Bay Raitt using it for 3d modeling back in the 90's. As some of you may know, he was the lead facial modeler for Golem (Lord of the Rings trilogy) at Weta.

Also of note, Wings3D was created using Erlang, a functional programming language which is not typically used to build 3d software. Very cool!
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
10 Nov 2024   [#35] In reply to [#34]
And the Wings 3D under Steroïds : "ManifoldLab" who add tones of crazy functions!

By Ggaliens
Manifold Lab fork of Wings 3D! (maybe not the last version...
site : is not more accessible!
So this is better than nothing! ;) By Ggaliens

Structures following can be made also very easilly in seconds by the Free TopMod!

From: Matadem
10 Nov 2024   [#36]
Yes it is simple enough to try in Moi but I have other more complex things I am trying to do in the future.
I think Plasticity would be a good option too but Ill buy it next year.(for xnurbs)
Everything I do at one point start or go thru Moi. I guess I am comfortable with the ui.

I bought that tutorial it is what got me going with Moi3d.

I tried wings 3d but Nvil still seems faster.

I tried doing the same thing in Nvil and Blender. and I was faster in I removed blender...because I am not going to use it for now.
I tried Modo...but my laptop seems underpowered for it :/

I might try it later...but then again I might never need it.
One thing I also look at is program startup time.....that is one thing I do not like about bigger programs...affinity takes a while to load.
I want to be in and out as quickly as possible.

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