Full Version: ArcCAM
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From: probotix
I have added a plasma table module to ArcCAM. Any idea when you're gonna release the next beta?
From: Michael Gibson
Hi Len,
> Any idea when you're gonna release the next beta?
Probably within the next couple of weeks.
- Michael
From: probotix
For my plasma script, I want to be able to set the cplane to a surface and translate curve coordinates to x,y values relative to the cplane. Before I write a function that takes the vectors from moi.view.getCPlane() and translates x,y,z values to values relative to the cplane origin, is there a better way to do what I am wanting?
[object MoiCoordinateFrame]
Also, is there an easy way to select the curve that makes up the surface?
From: Michael Gibson
Hi Len,
If you have a coordinate frame and you want to translate a point from world coordinates into that local frame's coordinates you can do this:
var local_x = frame.distancex( global_pt );
var local_y = frame.distancey( global_pt );
var local_z = frame.distancez( global_pt );
> Also, is there an easy way to select the curve that makes up the surface?
I'm sorry I'm not understanding this part. What is the curve that makes up the surface? A curve used to generate the surface with a particular command? The edges of the surface?
- Michael
From: probotix
Yes, the edges of the surface?
Lets just say a cube to keep it simple. Select a face, and then have the script return the curve object which is a square made up of four line segments.
From: Michael Gibson
Hi Len, on a cube there would be 12 individual line curves. There isn't any curve object that would have 4 line segments in it but you can get a list of the 4 lines for a face by face.getLoops();
face.getLoops() returns a list of trimming boundaries. The first loop is the outer boundary of the face. The 2nd and further loops are holes.
Each loop is an object list of edges.
So for the face of a cube when you call face.getLoops() there will be one loop, and that loop will be an object list with 4 edge curves in it.
- Michael
From: probotix
Awesome, thats exactly what I need! Also, having a list of the holes will simplify a ton.
From: DanC
As someone who mainly models in MoI, for CNC machining (and 3D printing) and has to export/import into Fusion360 (my god do I hate modelling in Fusion...) to use its CAM; this is a very interesting topic for me. Good luck with it. I'll be following along
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