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Full Version: Export fbx to keyshot - problem with rendering

From: gunter511
6 Sep 2024   [#1]
Hi All,

I'm trying to render a ring in Keyshot exported as a fbx file from moi3d. The ring has 3 components - the ring shank, collet and gemstone.
When I export, I select Quads & Triangles and I do not boolean the components.

Problem is when I try to add a different material to each component in Keyshot, it changes all of the components, not just one.

Is this an issue with my fbx export or keyshot?

Thank you in advance!
From: BurrMan
6 Sep 2024   [#2] In reply to [#1]
In MoI, give each object a style and also NAMEā€¦

Then export to keyshot
From: gunter511
6 Sep 2024   [#3] In reply to [#2]
Thank you BurrMan, that worked!
From: BurrMan
6 Sep 2024   [#4] In reply to [#3]

Sure Gunter,
So exporting out of MoI, “styles” should be your “material assignment” and “names” are like an “object grouping” when you get to your external app.

Some handle either/or a little differently and have methods to do things “because” of one or the other.

To avoid having to learn ALL intricacies of ALL external apps, i just make a habit of doing BOTH of those things which makes external management easier…

Take care.

From: gunter511
6 Sep 2024   [#5] In reply to [#4]
Thank you Burrman, yes this makes absolute sense.
Tutorials on moi3d don't seem to cover this basic workflow - at least none that I've seen.
Many thanks,