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From: Michael Gibson
Hi Booleano, usually the easiest way for something like that is to use the Transform > Deform > Flow command which can modify a straight object onto a curved path.
To use it, prepare a straight line in addition to your curve. It would be good to make the line the same length as your arc. You can find the length of the arc by selecting it and pushing "Details..." and then go to Curve Properties > Length.
Then you need a straight section of the object that runs along that line. Here I mirrored your main piece and cut off the end using Edit > Trim:
Select that straight part and run the Transform > Deform > Flow command.
Take a look at the prompt in the upper right corner of the window, this is where MOI shows you what it is expecting you to do next:
It says "Select base curve or surface". For the flow command the base curve is the straight line. If it's hard for you to see it you can push the Edit > Hide button to hide the piece that's in the way.
When you click on it, the location that you click is significant. The ends that you click closest to will be matched to each other. So click it in this area somewhat near the end. It doesn't have to be exactly on the end just nearby, just closer to that end than the other end.
After you have clicked it, look again in the upper right area of the window, the prompt will now say "Select target curve near matching end". So now click on the arc near the shared end and that will generate this result:
You can click "Done" to finish the command and then delete the straight piece and leave the part that now follows along the arc:
Is that the kind of result that you needed? Let me know if you are stuck on any of the steps.
- Michael
Image Attachments:
Message 11514.3 was deleted
From: Zooen
Salut Boolean,
Pourquoi ne lisez-vous pas l'Aide? Si vous utilisez MoI3D en français : vous cliquez en bas sur Aide, puis dans l'aide sur Référence des commandes: vous descendez jusqu'à Transformer puis en dessous vous cliquer sur Déformer > Flow.
Vous avez le texte explicatif illustré par des images.
A mes débuts avec MoI3D j'ai pris le temps de lire et de relire tout le document en faisant de petits exercices, cela m'a beaucoup aidé dans mon apprentissage de MoI3D.
Why don't you read the Help? If you are using MoI3D in French, click on Help at the bottom of the page, then on Command Reference: scroll down to Transform and then click on Deform > Flow.
You have the explanatory text illustrated by images.
When I first started using MoI3D, I took the time to read and reread the whole document, doing little exercises, which helped me a lot in my learning of MoI3D.
Message 11514.5 was deleted
From: Zooen
Hola Boolean
Abajo está el archivo "Introducción a MoI" con la "Referencia de Comandos" (¡habrá una nueva versión para V5! Está en inglés, es la versión original. He traducido el principio al español con DeepL, que puedes instalar y usar gratis en una versión limitada, pero ya puedes hacer muchas de las traducciones. Incluso puedes traducir discusiones en el foro de MoI seleccionando el texto de un mensaje y escribiendo un atajo de teclado (ctrl+cc). DeepL traduce mucho mejor que Google o Firefox. También puedes traducir texto en un procesador de textos (eso es lo que hice para el archivo "Introducción a MoI" más abajo) en libreOffice. Depende de ti hacer el resto si estás motivado.
Below is the "Introduction to MoI" file with the "Command Reference" (there will be a new version for V5! It's in English, it's the original version. I've translated the beginning into Spanish with DeepL, which you can install and use for free in a limited version, but you can already do a lot of the translations. You can even translate discussions on the MoI forum by selecting the text of a post and typing a keyboard shortcut (ctrl+cc). DeepL translates much better than Google or Firefox. You can also translate text in a word processor (that's what I did for the "Introduction to MoI" file below) in libreOffice. It's up to you to do the rest if you're motivated.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
@ Zoeen Yep "Move" = 4 letters
"Bouger" = 6 letters
"Bouge = 5 letters"
"Déplacer" = 7 letters
Had specifications sheet ! ;) More short and simple possible! ;)
Message 11514.8 was deleted
From: Zooen
Salut Boolean,
En allant en bas de la page d’accueil tu dois avoir avoir "Ttélécharger DeepL gratuitement" pour windows (voir l'image jointe).
Hi Boolean,
By going to the bottom of the home page you should have "Download DeepL free" for windows (see attached image).
Hola Boolean,
Al ir a la parte inferior de la página principal debe tener "Descargar DeepL libre" para las ventanas (ver imagen adjunta).
Cuando vayas al final de la página principal, deberías ver «Descargar DeepL gratis» para Windows (ver imagen adjunta).
No olvides configurarlo para que se inicie al arrancar Windows, de modo que puedas seleccionar texto prácticamente en cualquier sitio (en la web, en tu programa, etc.), y traducirlo pulsando Ctrj+C+C en el teclado.
Message 11514.10 was deleted
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