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From: mdesign
Thanks, it`s good to see you keep things going forward.
As for me I would love to see fillet, offset and shell all together with ACIS because those operation fails in Rhino most often. So even having still errors but different ones could help me to fix those errors quicker if time is tight.
Have you thought about some rebuild edges, surfaces or matchcrv, matchsrf took from ACIS (if it`s possible to take it from kernel)?
ACIS has also some skinning operations which could be also helpful (maybe I`m wrong, maybe your current are better, that is open question).
From: Michael Gibson
Hi mdesign,
> Have you thought about some rebuild edges, surfaces or matchcrv,
> matchsrf took from ACIS (if it`s possible to take it from kernel)?
Unfortunately MatchCrv and MatchSrf are not really part of the regular Mechanical CAD toolset so ACIS doesn't have these in it.
- Michael
From: mdesign
Have you thought about some poll for MoI users to check which most favorite/useful commands from ACIS could be transfered to MoI3d? Offset and shell are my favorite together with fillet. That`s because I have with them most problems. Sometimes If I have problems with Rhino then I try in Plasticity or Solid Edge if it would fail too, then I would have another kernel to check.
I know that best would be correct surfaces but sometimes when I have not enough time changing kernel is a solution to save some time and have job done and It saved me few times.
From: Michael Gibson
Hi mdesign, I do want to use offset and shell from ACIS as well, I'm still working on fillet first right now.
- Michael
From: Ken (OKURO)
Have you tried IronCAD ? It makes use of both math kernels - ACIS + Parasolid !
Best regards
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