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MoI discussion forum

Full Version: V5 beta Jul-30-2024 available now

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From: pressure (PEER)
2 Dec 2024   [#64] In reply to [#63]
Hi geekmidget,

You got me thinking about this problem again, and I realized the functionality is already built into Construction Lines. While drawing a polyline, drag out a CLine from the current point to the previous point, press and hold the marker to display the menu, and enter the angle in Rotate CLine. Positive value gives counterclockwise rotation.

- Peer
From: geekmidget (HF)
2 Dec 2024   [#65] In reply to [#64]
While drawing a polyline, drag out a CLine from the current point to the previous point, press and hold the marker to display the menu, and enter the angle in Rotate CLine.

I wasn't aware MoI3D included this functionality, I am still learning it. Thanks!
From: Mindset (IGNITER)
2 Dec 2024   [#66] In reply to [#62]
Michael, What can I say, YOU are indeed the man!
Thank You!
From: Robert (ROBERT_S)
18 Dec 2024   [#67]
Hello, any idea when will be full version released?

Thank you.

From: Michael Gibson
18 Dec 2024   [#68] In reply to [#67]
Hi Robert,

> Hello, any idea when will be full version released?

Sorry not yet. Hopefully not too long.

- Michael
From: fcwilt
28 Jan   [#69] In reply to [#68]
Are you feeling good about your progress with v5?

Run into any real issues?


From: Michael Gibson
28 Jan   [#70] In reply to [#69]
Hi Frederick, it's been going well but it has taken a lot of work for using the ACIS library for filleting.

Stability wise it's looking good though.

- Michael

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