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Full Version: V5 beta Jul-30-2024 available now

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From: geekmidget (HF)
2 Dec 2024   [#63] In reply to [#60]
There is a recent discussion here:

Took a a look at that thread and while some proposals seem unnecesarily complex, what pressure (PEER) suggest seems the simplest solution, since MoI3D is not intended to be used exclusively by command anyway. It would certainly be a noticeable improvement over the existing approach.

You could even leave this for a toggle switch in the options, so it's up to the person to decide if using absolute angles as until now or switching to relative angles.

Another option might be using some kind of reference hinting, like Sketchup allows. But this would probably take more time to develop.
From: pressure (PEER)
2 Dec 2024   [#64] In reply to [#63]
Hi geekmidget,

You got me thinking about this problem again, and I realized the functionality is already built into Construction Lines. While drawing a polyline, drag out a CLine from the current point to the previous point, press and hold the marker to display the menu, and enter the angle in Rotate CLine. Positive value gives counterclockwise rotation.

- Peer
From: geekmidget (HF)
2 Dec 2024   [#65] In reply to [#64]
While drawing a polyline, drag out a CLine from the current point to the previous point, press and hold the marker to display the menu, and enter the angle in Rotate CLine.

I wasn't aware MoI3D included this functionality, I am still learning it. Thanks!
From: Mindset (IGNITER)
2 Dec 2024   [#66] In reply to [#62]
Michael, What can I say, YOU are indeed the man!
Thank You!
From: Robert (ROBERT_S)
18 Dec 2024   [#67]
Hello, any idea when will be full version released?

Thank you.

From: Michael Gibson
18 Dec 2024   [#68] In reply to [#67]
Hi Robert,

> Hello, any idea when will be full version released?

Sorry not yet. Hopefully not too long.

- Michael
From: fcwilt
28 Jan   [#69] In reply to [#68]
Are you feeling good about your progress with v5?

Run into any real issues?


From: Michael Gibson
28 Jan   [#70] In reply to [#69]
Hi Frederick, it's been going well but it has taken a lot of work for using the ACIS library for filleting.

Stability wise it's looking good though.

- Michael

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