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Full Version: Troubles with solids

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From: Michael Gibson
2 Aug 2024   [#8] In reply to [#6]
Hi Larry,

> If so, would it be reasonable (possible) for MOI to warn when an operation produces object(s) whose
> "type" is lower in the hierarchy than they were when the operation commenced?

It would be hard to do this for everything because there are some functions (Edit > Separate, Trim) where their job is specifically to produce a "lower" result.

It could be good for booleans though.

The complication is that there is not an established UI mechanism for reporting a command specific error.

I have some ideas on making a command "epilogue" dialog that could work for that, I hope to be able to experiment with it in v6.

- Michael
From: Larry Fahnoe (FAHNOE)
4 Aug 2024   [#9] In reply to [#8]
Thanks Michael,

Sounds like this would make a good wish-list item combined with your command "epilogue" dialog to check for degraded object types from certain ops like the booleans.


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