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Full Version: SVG export question / request

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From: scott
28 Jul   [#4] In reply to [#3]
Thank you for the quick reply.

I was hoping to use the MOI3d SVG exported file without any additional editing, but consolidating the visible lines into one layer will definitely save one step.

Could you please explain the exported SVG line width setting values? For example, if the line width value is set to ‘1’, what is the corresponding SVG line width in the exported file when opened in another app?

Thanks again.

From: Michael Gibson
28 Jul   [#5] In reply to [#4]
Hi Scott,

> For example, if the line width value is set to ‘1’, what is the corresponding SVG line width in the exported file when opened in another app?

With the line width value set to ‘1’ that will go into the SVG file as stroke-width="1.0000pt" .

A "point" is a typographic unit frequently used for font heights and other size properties in 2D vector drawing apps.

One point is equal to 1/72 of an inch.

- Michael
From: Michael Gibson
28 Jul   [#6] In reply to [#5]
Also you might try setting visible line widths to 0 and see if they are then ignored by your receiving application.

I'll also set it up for the upcoming v5 beta that if you set visible line width to less than zero (for example set it to -1) it will omit them from the export.

- Michael
From: scott
29 Jul   [#7] In reply to [#6]
Thank you for the 'pixel' line width clarification. Simple and should be cross-platform / app friendly.

Zero line width...
When I set the line width to zero in MoI3D and export to Affinity Designer, AFD includes the visible lines with 0 px width. Your negative line width solution to omit the visible lines sounds perfect... very simple/user friendly!

Thanks again.


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