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Full Version: Edit control point coordinates

From: Lamar (RLDUFFY)
21 Jul   [#1]
New to the program, with an incredibly basic question. I would like to edit a control point on the end of a line by entering new coordinates, rather than dragging to a new location. I select the line, & then click Edit | Show Points. This will let me select one of the end points & drag to a new location. But if I select a point & type in new coordinates, they display in the coordinate box, but nothing happens after I hit Enter. And dragging the point remains active. This is unlike the behavior in other areas of the program, like drawing the line in the first place. And I doing something wrong? Is this a program glitch?
From: Michael Gibson
21 Jul   [#2] In reply to [#1]
Hi Lamar, you can use the Transform > Move command to move a point to a specific x,y,z location.

Start by selecting the point and then run Transform > Move.

At the "Pick base point" prompt snap on to the point.

Then at the "Pick target point" prompt you can type in an x,y,z coordinate and push Enter.

> This is unlike the behavior in other areas of the program, like drawing the line in the first place.

When you're drawing the line initially you are inside of the "pointpicker" mechanism. When you are in this mode you an type in an x,y,z coordinate and the pointpicker will use that for the point.

When you are not in a command yet you're in "Selection mode". When in selection mode it's not asking you for a point so typing in an x,y,z coordinate at this time won't have the same effect as when you are in a point picker.

I do want to update selection mode to display the x,y,z coordinates of a selected point in the properties panel with a way to set it like you were expecting.

Currently though you can use Transform > Move.

Thanks, - Michael
From: Lamar (RLDUFFY)
21 Jul   [#3] In reply to [#2]
Got it--many thanks for the rapid response.