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Full Version: Export Filled Surfaces as PDF?

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From: Michael Gibson
18 Jul   [#2] In reply to [#1]
Hi wisty, for PDF export the way it works is that surface fills can be exported as a background bitmap image underneath the vector outlines, if you have the "Shaded background" option checked.

That's so something like a sphere with a shaded surface that isn't just one single color throughout can come through.

In your case when you say you want to print it, do you mean on something like an inkjet printer or are you talking about a CNC cutting device?

If it's an inkjet printer if you check the "Shaded background" option during export from MOI you should be able to load it into Adobe Reader and be able to print it out filled.

If it's for CNC it's probably different and the CNC is likely to ignore the background bitmap image.

If that's the case then you might need to use a 2D vector editing program like Affinity Designer to edit the PDF file to have a fill set on the vector shapes. And instead of making surfaces to export make closed curves only.

There is not currently a way to make vector fills in MOI's PDF export. That's because something like a shaded sphere is difficult to reproduce as filled vectors.

- Michael
From: wisty
18 Jul   [#3] In reply to [#2]
Thank you Michael, worked perfectly. Yes it's to print on an inkjet. I just didn't connect the "shaded background" with the idea of fill.
Thanks again for MoI and the help on this forum. Looking forward to V5 release.

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