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Full Version: Would a graphics card help with this old pc

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From: Matadem
18 Jul   [#5]
Yes it is weird ..I change the settings for the display to performance...and Freecad seems to do better.
I will look for a cheap video card to put in this machine...Got it free so I cannot complain...
From: PaQ
18 Jul   [#6]
Maybe we have to agree first about "simple" stuff, but I agree MoI runs on stupid low hardware, here it's a old 7inch baby "laptop" using an atom CPU only Oo ...

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From: Matadem
18 Jul   [#7]
That is more of an simple I mean I do parts and simple.

I tried to update the driver but for some reason it doea not go.

From: mjs (MSHIDELER)
18 Jul   [#8] In reply to [#7]
Is there a dedicated graphics card in that PC?

Or is it just using the one that is on the motherboard?

If there is not a graphics card in it, are you able to borrow one to throw in that PC and test it?

Your CPU is better than the computer I am on now and I can run Rhino, MoI, Fusion 360, SpaceClaim, all without issues. Twelve years ago I ran SolidWorks on a laptop and imagine the specs of a laptop that long ago were like.
From: Matadem
18 Jul   [#9]
Computer is no overheating that I am aware of.
The on board graphics card is intel hd4600.
This machine is offline maybe I need to update it.

I dont have any graphics card to test out...the last video card I bought was a Hercules 3d prophet 32mb lol.

After that laptop only.

From: Michael Gibson
19 Jul   [#10] In reply to [#9]
Hi Matadem, yes pretty much any AMD or Nvidia graphics card from the past 5 years or so would probably help it a lot. Even the lowest tier ones.

- Michael

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