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Full Version: Would a graphics card help with this old pc

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From: Michael Gibson
17 Jul   [#2] In reply to [#1]
Hi Matadem, well that's plenty of system RAM.

What video card does it currently have?

But the first thing would be to open the case and clean out any dust especially around all fans. If it's clogged up it might be overheating too easily.

- Michael
From: mjs (MSHIDELER)
18 Jul   [#3] In reply to [#1]
Laggy on that machine?!?!

That machine is better than any machine I have owned and I haven't had issues, but likely due to even a modest ($200 or less) gaming card makes moi run like a champ.

Even with my GTX580 years ago, Moi ran great.

Now, 1660TI and no complaints. today those cards go for around $170 USD
From: Phiro
18 Jul   [#4]
I agree with MJS.
This machine is already powerful and MoI is not very resource intensive. I mainly work with an Intel i5 and 16GB of Ram. It's a non-gaming laptop that's 7 years old and uses an Nvidia MX150 card. It's fluid.
If the PC is generally slow, you should check that it is using an SSD disk because the disk can be a source of slowdown.
Having your graphics card drivers up to date is also important.
If you change your graphic card, a model from 5 years ago may be enough.
From: Matadem
18 Jul   [#5]
Yes it is weird ..I change the settings for the display to performance...and Freecad seems to do better.
I will look for a cheap video card to put in this machine...Got it free so I cannot complain...
From: PaQ
18 Jul   [#6]
Maybe we have to agree first about "simple" stuff, but I agree MoI runs on stupid low hardware, here it's a old 7inch baby "laptop" using an atom CPU only Oo ...

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From: Matadem
18 Jul   [#7]
That is more of an simple I mean I do parts and simple.

I tried to update the driver but for some reason it doea not go.

From: mjs (MSHIDELER)
18 Jul   [#8] In reply to [#7]
Is there a dedicated graphics card in that PC?

Or is it just using the one that is on the motherboard?

If there is not a graphics card in it, are you able to borrow one to throw in that PC and test it?

Your CPU is better than the computer I am on now and I can run Rhino, MoI, Fusion 360, SpaceClaim, all without issues. Twelve years ago I ran SolidWorks on a laptop and imagine the specs of a laptop that long ago were like.
From: Matadem
18 Jul   [#9]
Computer is no overheating that I am aware of.
The on board graphics card is intel hd4600.
This machine is offline maybe I need to update it.

I dont have any graphics card to test out...the last video card I bought was a Hercules 3d prophet 32mb lol.

After that laptop only.

From: Michael Gibson
19 Jul   [#10] In reply to [#9]
Hi Matadem, yes pretty much any AMD or Nvidia graphics card from the past 5 years or so would probably help it a lot. Even the lowest tier ones.

- Michael

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