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Full Version: Installing Custom UI

From: gunter511
15 Jul   [#1]
Hey All,

I'm on a mac and followed the instructions in a previous post to install it. I followed this: Extract to /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Moi/

Not sure what is meant by: After installation remove all unneeded .js scripts from startup directory

So I deleted all of files in the start up folder.

Whenever I start Moi 3d, I don't see a change in the UI. Do I need to do something else?

Thank you!
From: Michael Gibson
15 Jul   [#2] In reply to [#1]
Hi Gunter, so it looks like it isn't quite set up right.

When you unzipped it, the files went into a subfolder "Moi/CustomUI.2.0.beta2"

If you look inside of that folder you should see 3 subfolders "customui", "objects", and "startup" like this:


Copy the "customui" and "objects" folders up one level so they are directly under the Moi folder, like this:


Then unlike those 2 folders, there is an already existing startup folder in Moi/startup.

Copy the contents of the Moi/CustomUI.2.0.beta2/startup into Moi/startup and then you're done.

> Not sure what is meant by: After installation remove all unneeded .js scripts from startup directory
> So I deleted all of files in the start up folder.

Just ignore that part and do not delete any files from the startup folder.

Then restart Moi and you should see new buttons on the bottom toolbar.

- Michael
From: gunter511
15 Jul   [#3] In reply to [#2]
Michael, as always thank you, it works great now.

From: Mindset (IGNITER)
21 Jul   [#4] In reply to [#2]

There are some buttons in the Custom UI that display menus,

Is there a way to display these menus using shortcut keys rather than the Custom UI buttons?

Image Attachments:

From: Michael Gibson
22 Jul   [#5] In reply to [#4]
Hi Mindset,

> Is there a way to display these menus using shortcut keys rather than the Custom UI buttons?

Try setting this up for the "Command" part of the shortcut key:

script: moi.ui.showMenu( 'moi://appdata/customui/', moi.ui.commandBar.CommandBarCustomUI, 0, 0 );

script: moi.ui.showMenu( 'moi://appdata/customui/', moi.ui.commandBar.CommandBarCustomUI, 0, 0 );

I don't seem to have a Shortcuts button over here, if you can find the .js file for it in your startup folder, look for a line like this that will contain the URL to use for the first parameter to moi.ui.showMenu():

var menu = "moi://appdata/customui/";

- Michael
From: Mindset (IGNITER)
22 Jul   [#6] In reply to [#5]
This works great!