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Full Version: Flow Target surface issue

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From: Michael Gibson
14 Jul   [#14] In reply to [#7]
Hi Gunter,

> On the assumption that the opposite side also had the splitting issue, would the best way
> forward be to delete the top surfaces are rebuild them or is there a more efficient method?

It depends on what you're trying to accomplish.

If you want the objects to keep their shape and not bend to adapt to the surface shape then you may be better off using Transform > Orient to place them instead of using Flow.

- Michael
From: Barry-H
14 Jul   [#15]
the attached method maybe of use.

Image Attachments:
Gunter Ring.Gif 

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
14 Jul   [#16]
Remember that you can make something similar and more with the VClone Max Smirnov...
BoundingBoxCenterMultiple, CopyToPoints : other possibility by Michael
VDrop, VOrient, VSpray, VSeed: for special drawing of vectors! (Max Smirnov)

Just draw a vector(s) ( a simple line(s) ) and your selected object(s) will be created on these vectors!
Here only VClone... Size of Vectors gives Size of Objects!
Numerous possibilities! A very powerful plugin!

DIffrerents Sizes can be made on the same pass ! Vectors = Yellow lines!
(it's not the perspective! ;)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
15 Jul   [#17]
For the all plugins... Scatter tools by Max Smirnov

From: gunter511
15 Jul   [#18] In reply to [#11]
BurrMan, this video is absolutely fantastic, it really walks me through every step to properly adjust my objects on the ring!
Thank you ever so much for taking the time, it has helped me hugely!

From: gunter511
15 Jul   [#19] In reply to [#13]
Thank you Michael, I've done just that!

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
15 Jul   [#20]
V Drop
If you want vectors under the surface Select Vectors, Press Tab, Write "Flip"
Here just fall down! :)

V Orient
Normal to the surface

From: gunter511
15 Jul   [#21] In reply to [#15]
Barry, this is very helpful indeed, thank you very much!

From: gunter511
15 Jul   [#22] In reply to [#17]
Pilou, this is great, thank you so much!

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
15 Jul   [#23]
V Spray (Size 0 = Point, >0 = vectors)

V Seed
Curves + (Surface or not) Written "Calcul Failed" but works! ;)

From: gunter511
15 Jul   [#24] In reply to [#15]
Hey Barry,

I tried your method but please could you help with this, I know it must seem a little silly but I'm stuck:

Once I project the lines on the ring surface, I can't seem to add those 6 points. If I click on Add Point, nothing appears and if I show points, the 3 projected curves have many, many points.

Would you mind clarifying?

Also, could I ask how you get this custom scripts window in you UI:

Many thanks in advance!
From: gunter511
15 Jul   [#25] In reply to [#14]
Yes Michael, I don't want the objects to change shape, so orient works, thank you. I'm also experimenting with Barry's idea with the array gem script.

Many thanks,
From: gunter511
15 Jul   [#26] In reply to [#11]
Barry, you mention that the base surface should be as similar to the target surface as possible so if I want it to be exact, how would I create this surface exactly into a plane:

Many thanks!
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
15 Jul   [#27] In reply to [#24]
It's that show if you have installed Custom UI! (By Max Smirnov)

As Array Gem is a hidden function
just press Tab and write "ArrayGem" or Make a short Cut
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
15 Jul   [#28]
If you need points on something for any reason

You can make that
Draw curves (here i use Construct / Curve / Iso / U
Put a point (Draw / Curve / More / Point) at the start of them
Transform / Array / Curve and ask 5 points
Make Array curve one by one

Kill or hide Curves & Points no necessary !
Or part of curves by Trimming Curves / Points

Then Array Gem or VClone or Orient Line Line ...etc...

PS In Array Gem no need to enable History (not sure that is possible)
because you can entry distance
on the Moi Numeric Keyboard for test the gap! ;)

In the Array Gem you can put only Points and not Curves
but in this case you can't test some gaps!
From: Barry-H
15 Jul   [#29] In reply to [#24]
Hi Gunter,
you are using the show points of the curves that's not correct.
You can add points manually from the draw curve menu.
Add points snapping to the curve ends and middle as required.
The projected curves are only for the construction of positioning your points on the surface.
Hope that's clear.
The addons menu is part of Max's UI but you can activate the ArrayGem script by typing it in.
The question about the base surface is not for me I think it's for BurrMan.
From: gunter511
15 Jul   [#30] In reply to [#10]
Thank you Peer, that was very helpful!
From: gunter511
15 Jul   [#31] In reply to [#28]
Fabulous Pilou, thank you for this!
From: BurrMan
15 Jul   [#32] In reply to [#26]
Hey Gunter

“””””” how would I create this surface exactly into a plane:””””””

That is a tough one. I can give some tips with a note…

I have done this by copy and past that surface, then use the edit frame to “flatten” it to use as a base… just have to watch our for any parts of the surface that would flatten badly. Lile fold over onto itself because of it….


You should probably not really be going this route. “Unwrapping” is really more complex. The flatten method still doesnt give you a proper result because it is not really the size it should be. Objects will still stretch and distort (which is what i think you are trying to avoid.)

Manually you can copy the longest curves in the surface in the u and v directions and use “unwrapcurve” command to generate a rectangle to create a surface out of, then manually count points and add the same amount to the surface.

But i have really avoided this sunce doing it a couple times and feeling like i was not really achieving anything.

If flow doesnt get you what you need with more simple base shapes to hit the target, then it may be best to go with placing things in a different way.

Barry has shown a very cool way and with minimal effort you could do quite a few little gems properly……
From: gunter511
15 Jul   [#33] In reply to [#32]
Hey Burrman, thank you, yes I understand now that it would complicate the workflow without any advantage.

Many thanks for your advice!

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