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Full Version: When using Flow, target surface splits

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From: gunter511
10 Jul   [#3] In reply to [#2]
Hi Michael,

Thank you for your quick reply!

I created the surface by sweeping to half ellipses around the ring rails:

I don't think there's a split there.

As for projection, happy to use that function but in the screenshot you attached, it looks like the object changed its shape when it flowed on to the target surface, is that right?

Many thanks,

Dome exp.3dm

From: Michael Gibson
10 Jul   [#4] In reply to [#3]
Hi Gunter,

> As for projection, happy to use that function but in the screenshot you attached, it looks
> like the object changed its shape when it flowed on to the target surface, is that right?

Yes, but the main purpose of the Flow command is to change the shape of an object.

- Michael
From: Michael Gibson
10 Jul   [#5] In reply to [#3]
Hi Gunter,

> I created the surface by sweeping to half ellipses around the ring rails:

When you make a closed surface there is what is called a "seam edge" at the surface's starting/ending point.

In this case you are going to want the seam edge to be at the bottom area instead of the top area. You can make that happen by rotating your circle rail curves by 180 degrees around their center point before doing the sweep.

Or also there's a plugin here that you can use to relocate the seam point on a closed curve:

The seam edge of the sweep surface will be located at the seam point of the closed rail curves.

- Michael
From: gunter511
10 Jul   [#6] In reply to [#5]
Hi Michael,

Thank you, I installed the plugin and it worked! Apologies though, I can't say I understand the seam concept and when to know to use it. I had a look at the thread where the plugin in was posted, but that went over my head, Im afraid.

Many thanks,
From: 大道刀 (SUIYAN)
10 Jul   [#7] In reply to [#1]
HI gunter

请在操作步骤的的基础上增加类似这样的工序。(Please add a process similar to this on top of the operational steps.)

这是因为moi的join和boolean union无法在所有的情况下都形成surface在这篇讨论中: 有相应原因的说明。
This is because the join and Boolean union of moi cannot form a surface in all cases. In this discussion There is an explanation for the corresponding reason.
Therefore, after completing the stitching surface of the torus, you need to extract the edges and curves, and then perform another sweep to make the surface complete.

Image Attachments:

From: gunter511
11 Jul   [#8] In reply to [#7]
Thank you so much Suiyun!
From: gunter511
11 Jul   [#9]
Hi All, so I've now reached the point of flowing the lattice work on the solid ring:

The next step I'm trying to figure out is how to substitute the top of the solid ring with the lattice so one can see right through it. I tried various Booleans but none produce the results I'm looking for. Essentially, I'd like the lattice shape to be the top of the ring and seemlessly merge/blend into the rest of the bottom section of the ring.

Please could someone explain how I can go about this?

One more thing! In the next screenshot, you'll see there are gaps in the actual flow. I tried to use the 'Uncurve' script to matche the width and length of the ring curves so they flow accurately along the edges of the ring but that didn't seem to work. Any guidance on this would be fantastic, thank you!

I ran out of attachment space, so here is the 3dm file:

Many thanks indeed!
From: 大道刀 (SUIYAN)
11 Jul   [#10] In reply to [#9]
HI gunter


(Moi cannot perform Boolean operations on too many objects, so it is best not to use holes for Boolean operations. Instead, copy the entire decoration, hide one of them, and perform Boolean operations on the whole, delete the excess parts, and then display all.)

Bulbous lattice ring ok.3dm

Image Attachments:

From: pressure (PEER)
11 Jul   [#11] In reply to [#9]
Hi Gunter,

Is this what you want?

I deleted the outside faces of the solid lattice so all that remained was the holes (surfaces):

Then I selected the solid ring and choose the hole surfaces as the cutter. Had to wait maybe 30 seconds for the boolean to finish, but that left me with this:

And then I deleted the highlighted fragments.

- Peer

Image Attachments:
after boolean diff.png  cutter.png  finished ring.png 

From: gunter511
11 Jul   [#12] In reply to [#10]
Suiyan, thank you! That's very helpful indeed!

From: gunter511
11 Jul   [#13] In reply to [#11]
Hey Peer, Yes, this is exactly what I'm after, thank you very much!

From: 大道刀 (SUIYAN)
11 Jul   [#14] In reply to [#12]


(Don't mention it, I think you should have a clearer understanding of the final effect. Which parts should be Boolean and which parts should be retained. The best way to shape these holes is to stretch the closed curves (on both sides) of the holes when they are still flat, so that the height of these pillars can fully penetrate the target entity of the ring ring, and then flow them so that these pillars flow to the target entity of the ring ring → Boolean.
This can simplify and avoid errors in Boolean results to the greatest extent possible, although the Boolean process went smoothly this time)
From: gunter511
11 Jul   [#15] In reply to [#14]
Thank you Suiyan, yes, this is exactly what I tried to do and it helped.

The other thing I experimented with was rather than flowing the lattice, I extracted the diamond shapes from the lattice and extruded those. Then Flowed those onto the ring and then Boolean difference.

It's fun to try different methods!

Thanks again!

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