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Full Version: Side panels closed when opening a project

From: Bence (BERSERK28)
4 Jul   [#1]

For the past 1-2 months, the panels on the side of the UI have been closed whenever I open a 3dm file. I initially thought this was a template file issue, but modifying the template did not resolve the problem.

I don’t believe I accidentally changed any settings, but if that is the case, I would appreciate knowing which setting could be causing this issue.

Thank you!

Image Attachments:

From: Mik (MIKULAS)
4 Jul   [#2] In reply to [#1]
I can confirm this issue as well.
From: Michael Gibson
4 Jul   [#3] In reply to [#1]
Hi Bence & Mik, can you please give a little more detail on how you're opening the file?

Is it by double clicking on a .3dm file inside the operating system's file manager?

Or using File > Open from inside an already open MoI window?

Or drag/drop of a file onto an already open MoI window?

If it's by double clicking on a .3dm file icon, and you have the MoI window maximized it is likely that the initial unmaximized window size is not large enough to contain all the expanded palettes.

Try unmaximizing the window, and stretch the unmaximized window to be larger, then close and restart MoI and then maximize it.

- Michael
From: Bence (BERSERK28)
4 Jul   [#4] In reply to [#3]
Yep, I double click on the 3dm file on my desktop, tried to make the ui size smaller so every single possible palettes could be expanded.They could fit into the unmaximized window perfectly,reopened the file again and maximized the window, closed it again reopened again,but still all of them are closed except for subD/dim. Attaching a screenshot of the unmaximized window.

Edit: double clicking on moi 4.0 rather than opening a file with moi 5.0 beta solved this issue. Also pulling the 3dm file onto the moi 4.0 icon will open the project properly with all palettes open

Image Attachments:

From: Mik (MIKULAS)
7 Jul   [#5] In reply to [#4]
Yes, double click from file manager (Win10Pro)
I've noticed that it's file size dependent. Smaller files - side panel is always collapsed, bigger files, if "loading file" dialog is appeared, then side panel is always expanded.
From: Michael Gibson
7 Jul   [#6] In reply to [#5]
Hi Mik, do you have the Scene Browser set to be inside the side pane?

It's the setting under Options > General > "Scene browser position: Inside" .

Also re:
> I've noticed that it's file size dependent. Smaller files - side panel is always collapsed, bigger
> files, if "loading file" dialog is appeared, then side panel is always expanded.

Is it possible that it's dependent on having a lot of different named objects and not actually file size?

- Michael
From: Mik (MIKULAS)
8 Jul   [#7] In reply to [#6]
Yes - Scene browser position: Inside.

> Is it possible that it's dependent on having a lot of different named objects and not actually file size?

My experience - If "loading file" dialog is appeared, then side panel is always expanded, no matter amount of named objects.
It seems that it isn't specific file size, probably geometry complexity determines, if "loading file" dialog is appeared and then side panel is collapsed or expanded.

From: Mik (MIKULAS)
9 Jul   [#8] In reply to [#7]
Hello Michael,

I have new observations regarding this issue.

When I open same complex geometry saved as 3dm and STEP, so 3dm file is open without "loading file" dialog with collapsed side panel, STEP is opened with "loading file" dialog with expanded side panel.
DXF file is opened always with expanded side panel no matter complexity of geometry.
