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Full Version: Sweeping fail - even though I've done this before!!

From: gunter511
4 Jul   [#1]
Hi All,

I've made signet rings before using the same workflow but this time it's just not happening!

I'm sweeping these curves:

Using these rails:

I get a really weird output.

Could someone please point out what I'm doing wrong?

Many thanks!
From: 大道刀 (SUIYAN)
4 Jul   [#2] In reply to [#1]
HI gunter

(I think the reason for the error is in the selection of curves. All curves in the grid direction should be ensured to intersect and be complete, and the sweep command should not be used, which is only suitable for 1-2 guide tracks. You should use the network tool as shown in the picture.)

Image Attachments:
1.png  2.png  3.png  4.png 

From: gunter511
4 Jul   [#3] In reply to [#2]
Hi Suiyan,

Thank you very much for your detailed explanation.

You mention joining all curves which I have done but I don't get that dot you have at the bottom intersection:

So I selected the vertical curves first and then the horizontal ones from top to bottom and then hit Network, but I get this:

I'm clearly doing something wrong?

Many thanks,
From: 大道刀 (SUIYAN)
4 Jul   [#4] In reply to [#3]
HI gunter
(Based solely on the pictures, I cannot determine what you have done wrong. I have attached the complete operation process of the GIF demonstration and the 3D file)

(For Moi3D, subtle differences in element selection can indeed cause complete confusion in the molding results, which is a big difference from industrial design software such as ug and SolidWorks. There is no intelligent selection recognition combination system, but constructing elements themselves is much simpler than them. Don't worry, you have taken the most important step.)

Round Singet ring .3dm

Image Attachments:

From: gunter511
4 Jul   [#5] In reply to [#4]
Hey Siyuan

Thank you again for taking the time to help with this!

It's all sorted now!