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Full Version: Problems with loft and boolean in a faceted object

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From: 大道刀 (SUIYAN)
28 Jun   [#7] In reply to [#5]
最可能的原因:直接使用封闭的线框loft效果不好。结果:join srf。construct→planer,一圈edge→join—close curve→loft=solid。这可能是moi需要一个判断线在同一平面,因为线框=点对点join形成,不涉及是否为平面作为判断条件。
(The most likely reason is that using a closed wireframe loft directly does not have a good effect. Result: Join SRF. Construct → planner, circle edge → join → close curve → loft=solid. This may be because moi needs a criterion to determine whether the line is in the same plane, as the wireframe=point-to-point joint formation does not involve whether it is a plane as the criterion.)

所以,如果您经常制作宝石状模型,并习惯使用loft优化的流程增加:planer→edge→join—close curve→loft=solid。
(So, if you frequently create gem shaped models and are accustomed to using the loft,optimization process to increase: planner → edge → join → close curve → loft=solid.)
moi是简易的3D软件,因此对元素的判定过程,不像工业设计软件那样自动化。工业设计软件中close curve and planer=在loft命令选项中选择一圈edge or curve,无论它们原本是否是close curve。moi planer close curve =curve→join—close curve→planer→edge to close curve
(Moi is a simple 3D software, so the process of determining elements is not as automated as industrial design software. In industrial design software, close curve and planner=Select one week edge or curve in the loft command option, regardless of whether they were originally close curves. moi planer close curve =curve→join—close curve→planer→edge to close curve )

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