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Full Version: Doming object on surface

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From: Michael Gibson
27 Jun   [#8] In reply to [#5]
Hi Gunter,

> but I'm getting this stretched version..

There are 2 ways to limit it to the upper area - either extend the base plane so the base object will be located within a portion of the target surface, or use Edit > Trim to cut the target surface to a smaller area, I did the 2nd one above.

- Michael
From: gunter511
27 Jun   [#9] In reply to [#7]
Michael, thank you very much for your input, yes this is exactly what I was looking for!

For future reference, I'd like to understand the logic of first trimming the top surface of the ring please? Is it to just restrict the lattice from stretching?

Why is this not needed when you use curves as I did before?

Apologies for the questions but I need to wrap my head around the reasons so I know what to do in a similar situation down the line.

Many thanks indeed.
From: Michael Gibson
27 Jun   [#10] In reply to [#9]
Hi Gunter,

> Is it to just restrict the lattice from stretching?

Yes, because in surface-to-surface flow mode it will match the entire base surface to the entire target surface.

> Why is this not needed when you use curves as I did before?

Curve-to-curve flow has a "stretch" option that you can turn on or off unlike surface-to-surface flow.

In curve-to-curve flow when "stretch" is off it will match distance traveled along the curves. But it's difficult to have that type of matching in surface-to-surface flow because there isn't just one direction anymore, a surface can easily stretch or compress to different widths at different spots along it.

- Michael
From: gunter511
27 Jun   [#11] In reply to [#10]
Hey Michael, Thank you for taking the time to explain this, I get it now.
Much appreciated
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
27 Jun   [#12]
Your line is 20
If i take a part of circle of 20
Flow the part Line to Part of Circle will give the result wished! ;)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
28 Jun   [#13]
In fact the Flow method can support some styles of results! :)
Depend of what result wanted with Line, Surface, Volume...
...and where are the different items
Line - Line : strict ... volume follows line
Line - Surface : can be degressive ... volume can enter inside the surface
Surface - Surface : Strict ...volume follows the surface

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