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Full Version: Bending objects / surfaces

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From: Michael Gibson
30 Jun   [#9] In reply to [#6]
Hi gunter,

> As you can see, the lattice work is stretched and the so the diamond shapes are stretched too.
> How would I go about making the curvature length the same but keeping the lattice unstretched?

You've got to be careful about where you click with the mouse on both the base surface and the target surface.

The stretched result is due to having this short edge:

Being mapped tot his long edge:

Instead you want the flow to match the short edge on the base to the short edge on the target:

The matching is determined by the pick point on each surface when you select it. You need to pick the point along each edge but a little ways in from the corner point. Don't pick right at the corner because it will take the closest edge to your pick and right on the corner does not control which edge is closest very well.

But also don't click right in the middle of the edge either because the closest end of the edge to your pick is also significant for matching the start or end of the edge to each other.

So you want to pick like this, on the edge, not too far away from the corner but not right at the corner:

And on the target surface like this:

- Michael

Image Attachments:
gunter_flow1.jpg  gunter_flow2.jpg  gunter_flow3.jpg  gunter_flow4.jpg  gunter_flow5.jpg 

From: 大道刀 (SUIYAN)
30 Jun   [#10] In reply to [#6]
HI gunter

可以更简单些,像这样。(It can be simpler, like this.)

使用宝石的边缘通过PLANER生成完美贴合的平面,并指定颜色,以便在流动中作为源头平面去选中它。流动没有什么秘密,就是源对象和源曲面完全贴合,那么流动后就跟目标曲面贴合。剩下的只需要确定目标曲面在整个戒指圈曲面中占比多少。(Use the edges of the gemstone to generate a perfectly fitted plane through PLANER, and specify the color to select it as the source plane in the flow. There is no secret to flow, it is that the source object and the source surface fit together, so after flowing, it will fit with the target surface. The rest only needs to determine the proportion of the target surface in the entire ring surface.)

Image Attachments:
1.png  2.png 

From: gunter511
1 Jul   [#11]
Thank you so much for all your input, that too on a Sunday! I'm happy to report that it works great!

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