MoI discussion forum
MoI discussion forum

Full Version: Line thickness when exporting

From: Brianfox90
26 Jun   [#1]
Hi there,
I'm sorry to bother you, but I noticed a small issue with beta 5 when exporting to PDF. If there are no surface objects in the space, but only lines, the line width cannot be adjusted and the lines end up being very bold. However, if you add a surface object, the setting appears.
Is it possible to have the line adjustment option appear when exporting even if there are no surface objects?
Thank you for your help!

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From: pressure (PEER)
26 Jun   [#2] In reply to [#1]
Hi Brianfox90,

I use the same workaround as you show: put a small surface object in the scene to get the options to appear, and then erase the edges of the surface from the exported PDF.

But, you made me think of another that avoids editing the PDF. Add the surface object to the scene and then hide its edges. This won't work if you are generating outlines / silhouette though.

- Peer
From: Michael Gibson
27 Jun   [#3] In reply to [#1]
Hi Brian,

> Is it possible to have the line adjustment option appear when exporting even if there are no surface objects?

Currently a wireframe export will only use a hard coded 1pt line weight but I have set up the "Line style options" for wireframe exporting for the next beta version.

- Michael