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Full Version: How to create front and back faces on this object.

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From: Michael Gibson
24 Jun   [#5] In reply to [#3]

>(This is a boundary surface problem, and there is no corresponding processing tool in Moi.
> In Rhino, you should use the patch tool and then trim it. Please take a look at the pictures
> and demonstrate the process of gif.)

That's something that can be useful in certain cases but it's usually a better modeling technique in NURBS to form extended simplified 4 sided surfaces and then form the final boundary by a boolean operation.

- Michael
From: Dex (DRM08)
25 Jun   [#6] In reply to [#4]
Appreciate the quick response guys! I will try these methods out. Couldn't be more grateful, you've been a great help. Thanks!
From: 大道刀 (SUIYAN)
25 Jun   [#7] In reply to [#5]
HI Michael

非常认同,我在#3的讨论中也表达了这样的意思。不过人们更倾向于基于模型原本元素的直接工具,所以我的演示更倾向于此。(I completely agree, and I also expressed this idea in the discussion of # 3. However, people tend to use direct tools based on the existing elements of the model, so my presentation is more inclined towards this.)

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