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Full Version: List of latest files is incorrect

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From: Michael Gibson
7 May 2024   [#2] In reply to [#1]
Does the recent files list change at all between program sessions or is it more like it's stuck with the same list every time you restart the program?

The list is stored in moi.ini so if it seems like it's stuck then maybe something like security permissions are preventing MoI from writing to the moi.ini file.

You can find where moi.ini is located by going to Options > General > "Edit .ini file" button, the dialog will show the location of the file.

- Michael
From: B-W-Design
8 May 2024   [#3] In reply to [#2]
There was a veeeeeery large confusing string in the list of recent files.
I cleared the howl list now. I opened different files an now it seems to work.
Thanks for your help.
From: B-W-Design
18 Jun 2024   [#4]
Hi Micheal, since my last post everything worked fine. But now i got the same problem. Now I have found such character strings again. And I believe I have found the problem that causes it. If umlauts (äüö...) are used in the file name, it seems to be an issue. Because then, such a long Unicode character string is created again, which apparently leads to this list eventually not being able to be kept up-to-date.
From: Michael Gibson
19 Jun 2024   [#5] In reply to [#4]
Hi Janne, I'm not able to repeat that problem over here using a file name of äüö.3dm .

What version of MoI are you running and on what operating system?

Can you maybe post an example file that triggers this problem so I can try to reproduce it?

- Michael
From: B-W-Design
19 Jun 2024   [#6] In reply to [#5]
Hi Michael,
this ist my system:
Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
Version 10.0.19045 Build 19045

Moi Version 5.0 Beta Dec-1-2023

I need a few hours to find out wich one cause this problem, cause i cleared the list in the ini-file
Then i could give you more infos

From: Fredrik (CARL_FREDRIK)
18 Aug 2024   [#7] In reply to [#6]
It could be as easy as a moi.ini search-shortcut to the .exe.

I sucessfully duplicated a moi.ini where i gave it a moi.ini duplicate ex: "shortcut_to_moi.exe" -moi.ini

When i deleted the -moi.ini at the end after the last bracket "." the new files appeared again.
I put the moi.ini directly in the folder of Moi3D to eliminate the newest-files not appear in the menu.
It works for both v4 and v5.

From: Michael Gibson
18 Aug 2024   [#8] In reply to [#7]
Hi Fredrik, if you pass a command line parameter to moi.exe that ends in .ini, it will use that for the moi.ini file to use.

So with a parameter of -moi.ini , it will be trying to use a file named -moi.ini , inside the current directory I guess.

When passing in a moi.ini as a command line parameter you should pass in a full path (including the directory) and without the '-' at the front. If there are any spaces in the path put " " around it.

Probably what was happening was MoI was trying to use a moi.ini file in a location where it did not have file write permission.

- Michael
From: Fredrik (CARL_FREDRIK)
19 Aug 2024   [#9] In reply to [#8]
All i know that is when editing Moi.ini in Notepad++ instead of giving it a shortcut to the exe it started working again.
The newest files started to pop up accordingly and in order again when layed in Moi3D folder.

Ill guess the permission-part is a big part of the problem. I was unsucessful to give Moi.ini all authority status.
So i gave up the search for an all permit (Admin-rights to moi.ini).
It ended with giving Notepad++ all the admin-rights to the moi.ini instead.

It worked for me, although this is the first example not sucessful with giving permits and admin-rights to
individual folders or files.

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