MoI discussion forum
MoI discussion forum

Full Version: Dark, (mostly)text focused UI

From: immortalx
23 Apr   [#1]
Hey everyone. It's been a while since I last used MoI and I thought of making a fresh iteration of an old UI of mine. My preference is a simple list of buttons, with text or text+icons over plain icons, except for the curves/solid tools at the bottom which can easily be identified. I need to update some icons though to distinguish between rectangle-center, rectangle-3pts, etc. I also consolidated the View/Select tabs to a Misc tab along with some custom commands.
I'm not too much into HTML/css/js so I'm struggling a bit to get it to look how I want

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From: Mik (MIKULAS)
24 Apr   [#2] In reply to [#1]
Well-arranged UI, I like it.
From: cad-guy
2 May   [#3]
Love it!
19 May   [#4] In reply to [#3]
Ok, this is the interface you are using in your MOI / Blender car modeling video. When I watched the video I wasn't sure what app you are using.

I do not think this interface would be of interest to me as the present MOI ui is one of the most user friendly I have ever used. Wished more 3D apps were as easy to grasp as MOI.
Not sure how you could improve on MOI's ui. The only thing I would like is to have MOI be able to use a dual monitor setup.