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Full Version: Update the components

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From: Michael Gibson
13 Mar   [#8] In reply to [#6]
Hi mjs,

> many of the operations with modeling cannot occur in parallel and occur in series,
> thus the faster the CPU the better in most cases, even if it has many fewer cores.

Yes, unfortunately making use of multiple CPU cores is generally quite difficult, the work has to be divided up into a bunch of independent chunks.

Many kinds of modeling calculations don't really lend themselves to being arranged in such a manner.

However, MoI does do it for some heavily used areas including in the display engine, mesh export, and also file opening.

The display and file opening are things that get used a lot during every modeling session.

- Michael
From: Brianfox90
14 Mar   [#9]
Thank you all for the response. A small part of my work field usually looks like the one shown below, and the number of objects can reach up to 20,000. But the question arose because everything works smoothly when exporting to CorelCAD. I have an RTX 3060 video card and an I5 11400 processor, should I upgrade the processor anyway?

Image Attachments:

From: Michael Gibson
14 Mar   [#10] In reply to [#9]
Hi Brian, can you please send me (e-mail the .3dm file with your curves in it?

I can try running it with profiling on to see if there are any bottlenecks that might be tuned up.

Also have you tried the v5 beta with it? .

Thanks, - Michael
From: Brianfox90
14 Mar   [#11] In reply to [#10]
I am working in version 5, the file that significantly slows down I sent to your email
From: pressure (PEER)
14 Mar   [#12] In reply to [#11]
Hi Brian,

Did you try turning off all object snaps to see if navigating the viewport speeds up? The reason I ask is because I've noticed that things can get pretty sluggish if there are a lot of curves and I use something to control the viewports other than the pan/zoom/rotate buttons. Like using a SpaceMouse creates this problem. I think it's because the pan/zoom/rotate buttons temporarily disable calculation of object snaps by the CPU, but navigating with a SpaceMouse doesn't.

So, if you're not using the pan/zoom/rotate buttons you might try using them instead, or try manually turning off object snaps to see if it's the object snap calculation part that's slowing things down.

- Peer
From: Michael Gibson
14 Mar   [#13] In reply to [#12]
Another thing which you might want to turn off in moi.ini for heavier files is:

[Drawing Aids]

That will disable the little "x" marks that show the available snaps around the mouse cursor. If you are working zoomed out on a heavy file there can be quite a lot of these getting drawn and it also needs to compute their visibility if View > "Display hidden lines" is off.

- Michael

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