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Full Version: MOI Script Pipe2Thickness evolve into TUBE TOOLKIT

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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
30 Jan   [#63] In reply to [#62]

I replace Knobs by Cursors ! ;)

Cursors must be added to Height, Width, Wall
Rotation must be something like -360 to + 360
Waiting the free section ;)

Speedy test with the Free Vizcom! :)

From: Barry-H
30 Jan   [#64] In reply to [#63]
Hi Pilou,
<<I replace Knobs by Cursors ! ;)
Not sure what you mean ?
360 +or - makes no difference it's a complete revolution.
You can add 3 sliders (Height , Width , Thickness) feeding a Concat node and plugin to Section.
From: WN
30 Jan   [#65] In reply to [#62]
Thanks Barry, wonderful macro. I just added a little, maybe it will be useful to someone.


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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
30 Jan   [#66] In reply to [#64]
<<I replace Knobs by Cursors ! ;)
<<Not sure what you mean ?
Just that Cursors/Sliders are more easy to move with a mouse than Knobs...

<< 360 +or - makes no difference it's a complete revolution.
yes but when you have for example first go to 150°
with negative values you can go to -220° if wanted! (else it was blocked to 0°)
It's with that i have made my spaceship! :)
From: Barry-H
30 Jan   [#67] In reply to [#66]
Hi Pilou,
thanks now I understand.
From: WN
30 Jan   [#68] In reply to [#66]
The 'knob' and 'slider' widgets are well controlled by the middle mouse button, even when minimized.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
30 Jan   [#69] In reply to [#67]
And about -360 to + 360 Permits Clock wise and anti-Clock wise!

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
30 Jan   [#70] In reply to [#68]

About Knob + Wheel : cool trick but less speedy than simple cursor (slider) when you must go -1000 to + 1000 ;
From: Barry-H
30 Jan   [#71]
Hi WN,
thank you for your suggestions.
The problem is there are so many standard sections & the concat node is limited to 6 inputs.
I have made a manual input nod file as Pilou suggested for now please have a look.
I have also modified the positioning of the profile in the 'Y' axis as just moving in the 'X' did not clear the bounding box
when a path is just a straight line on the 'Y' if that makes sense.
This applies to the Pipe tool as well so will update my post.

have made the rotation +- 180 and now a manual input for profile sizes.
Many thanks to you both.

Manual Sections010224.nod

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
30 Jan   [#72] In reply to [#71]
Cool new version

For the next :)
General concept of the sweep with one rail!
But take only case of the profil is touching the rail else that will be headache of the Profil orientation!!!

From: AlexPolo
31 Jan   [#73]
WOW! from a small request so much function, so many tools to play with and so many possible directions. Off to play....
many thanks to all who have input keeping MOI the sharpest pen in the pack.
All the best Alex.
From: Barry-H
2 Feb   [#74]
have updated the pipe tool with a minor bug fix.
Also have modified the Sections nod file.
Have removed the gate selection system and replaced with a slider.
A fillet adjustment slider as also been added.
From: AlexPolo
19 Feb   [#75]
Hi All just getting some test files ready to put through the 4 axis pipe bender - and for some reason I cant shell this rebuilt curve from a series of arcs I have checked continuity and all seems to be OK. Any ideas would be helpful.


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From: Michael Gibson
19 Feb   [#76] In reply to [#75]
Hi Alex, I simplified the rail by using the v5 merge command on it so that it's all one segment instead of in multiple segments and if you sweep this version and select the end faces it looks like it's shelling ok then.

- Michael


From: AlexPolo
19 Feb   [#77]
Thanks Michael for speedy reply with the merge command it looks like the ARC info is lost - I need to retain this so the tube bender has the curve continuity to calculate the bends for each sequence along the part hope that makes sense.
From: Barry-H
19 Feb   [#78] In reply to [#77]
Hi Alex,
try boolean inner from outer rather than shell.

Pipe Boolean.3dm

From: Michael Gibson
19 Feb   [#79] In reply to [#77]
Or another way is sweep the outer circle with "Cap ends" turned off, sweep inner circle also with "Cap ends" off then make end caps by selecting inner and outer circle together and use the Construct > Planar command, then select the 2 sweeps and 2 end caps and use Edit > Join to glue them together.

- Michael
From: WN
19 Feb   [#80]
Hi all.
I ran into this problem: the "shell" command does not process all values, in this case from 0 to 1, and then 3 and 5 and some intermediate values.
Maybe it's just me?
Moi v5 beta nov 29 2023


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From: Michael Gibson
20 Feb   [#81] In reply to [#80]
Hi WN, currently shell in MOI is just not very reliable, it should get a big boost though once I switch it to be handled by ACIS.

- Michael
From: WN
20 Feb   [#82] In reply to [#81]
Hi Michael, I see now, thanks.
There is another problem there, perhaps it is also related to this command, the display of surfaces and bodies disappears.
But if you apply the "separate" command, then visibility is restored.
The file is the same.

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