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Full Version: V5 beta Déc-1-2023

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From: sunspeed
10 Dec 2023   [#8] In reply to [#7]
Hi Michael,
Tried to update the video driver already as first step, but the driver were the actual.
However, the issue is solved.

From: Cuboctahedron
13 Dec 2023   [#9]

I'm not sure if this is me mis-remembering or a regression, but I'm noticing that some of my larger models are very, very slow on the December beta. I didn't try May and haven't touched them in a while, so I may have forgotten how heavy they were rather than a regression, but it does make a lot of edits on those models really painful. I recall that previously this was an issue with the text label tool generating overly detailed meshes. Have you touched anything here that might have caused the issue? Happy to share model links offline.
From: bemfarmer
13 Dec 2023   [#10]
Recently, both of my Windows 10 PC, and Windows 11 PC, have stopped previews of .htm, .js, and .3dm, in Windows Explorer. They try to load, but do not.
PNG still previews, and docx, and .pdf, and .txt
No Idea why. Probably nothing to do with MoI?

- Brian

It seems like the Windows menu's have been changed, or re-arainged, so internet help gives incorrect navigation to fix various things, and so in of no use:-(

In my Downloads folder, the .3dm files will preview in Windows Explorer!!!

.js and .htm files still hang on attempt to load.

Now I'm thinking that my limited disk space is the problem?
After selecting numerous .png to preview in MoIAppData library folder, the preview eventually stops working. The .3dm files there do not preview at all.
From: Michael Gibson
13 Dec 2023   [#11] In reply to [#9]
Hi Cuboctahedron,

> Have you touched anything here that might have caused the issue?

Hmmm, I don't think there have been any changes in display related code in this release. But sometimes things can be interconnected in subtle ways so it would be good for me to test for regressions.

For heavy models you might try changing settings under Options > View > "Mesh angle" to 25 and uncheck "Add detail to inflections", before loading the heavy file.

> Happy to share model links offline.

Yes to keep them private can you please e-mail them to me at and maybe describe in a little more detail how to reproduce?

Thanks, - Michael
From: Michael Gibson
13 Dec 2023   [#12] In reply to [#10]
Hi Brian,

> Recently, both of my Windows 10 PC, and Windows 11 PC, have stopped previews of .htm, .js, and
> .3dm, in Windows Explorer. They try to load, but do not.
> PNG still previews, and docx, and .pdf, and .txt
> No Idea why. Probably nothing to do with MoI?

Definitely the .htm and .js not previewing is not related to MoI. The .3dm issue certainly could be. But MoI does not directly control the previewing process, it has a thumbnail image provider that is called by the shell in the background when it wants to generate a thumbnail image.

Hmmm, you recently also installed Rhino 8, right? That will have it's own thumbnail provider so you might see if you have a difference between setting MoI versus the Rhino one active.

To set MoI's one active, run a command prompt as Administrator and inside the MoI program files folder run:
regsvr32 moi_lib.dll

To set Rhino's active I think look for a dll named RhinoHandlers.dll and call regsvr32 RhinoHandlers.dll , some related info for Rhino v7 here:

- Brian
From: bemfarmer
13 Dec 2023   [#13] In reply to [#12]
Thank you Michael for the tips, even though this is likely not a MoI problem.

Rhino 8.1 not installed at home yet. It is funny that the preview problem showed up on Windows 10 pc, and Windows 11 pc, about the same time.
Will upgrade 2 SSD's in a few days.

I recently purchased a "baby" Dell pc for CNC, with nothing loaded yet, (Windows 11).
I'll install a few things and see if preview gets messed up or not, and report back later if anything turns up.
(I only use MoI on one computer at a time.)

- Brian

So MoI thumbnail viewer only works for recently saved .3dm's???
From: bemfarmer
13 Dec 2023   [#14] In reply to [#13]
Loaded existing .3dm into MoI5_Dec1 Beta, and saved to D drive,
and to MoIAppData. They were the AlibreLogo.3dm and an Acorn.3dm
Preview works on them. (They currently show a file type (Icon) of Rhino.

.htm and .js still do not preview, but try to load.

T-Rex.3mf DOES preview.

- Brian

Explored some mysteries of OneDrive...

Will Checkout Rhino vs MoI .3dm preview...
From: Michael Gibson
13 Dec 2023   [#15] In reply to [#13]
Hi Brian,

> So MoI thumbnail viewer only works for recently saved .3dm's???

It should work on any .3dms saved since the Mar-28-2023 v5 beta which is the first version of MoI that would save thumbnail images inside .3dm files.

- Michael

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