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Full Version: Plasticity 3D, again

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From: Matadem
8 Jan   [#25]
Plasticity is definitely on my to buy list.
For what I do Moi is used probably 95% of the time in addition to other software.

For instance I use Vectric vcarve and it has its drawing tools...but I draw in Moi and then send to vcarve since it is way faster for me.
One thing I wish Moi had is a distort tool >
From: pressure (PEER)
8 Jan   [#26] In reply to [#25]
Hi Matadem,

How is Distort different from using Flow like Michael suggested?

If you want more than 4 control points you can do that by first drawing a grid of lines and then select the lines and do Construct > Network to make a plane. If you select the resulting plane and do Edit > "Show pts" you'll see the control points that you can then drag.

Is the problem that the result doesn't update in real time while you're dragging points?

- Peer
From: Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
8 Jan   [#27] In reply to [#24]
I hope @Zarkow will take a challenge and make his Benz using only MOI and new rebuild surface!


Tanx for the links Pilou :-)
From: Matadem
8 Jan   [#28]
Yep something like a realtime warp/distort would be nice.
From: pressure (PEER)
8 Jan   [#29] In reply to [#28]
Hi Matadem,

You can get the real-time distortion now by turning on History updating on the result of Flow. Be sure to do this immediately after doing Flow since even a tiny edit on any of the objects involved in Flow, like moving a point, will prevent history from working.

Select the objects resulting from Flow and then do Edit > History > "Enable update".

When you move edit points of the target point you should see distortion updating in real time.

History updating is turned on by default for some commands, but not for Flow. That's why you have to turn it on manually.

- Peer

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