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Full Version: Scripting and Node Editor in Moi3D V5

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From: Michael Gibson
17 Apr 2023   [#15] In reply to [#14]
Hi NaN, re: Macro error message - looking at the error it kind of looks like the macro code is assuming that the node editor is installed in the appdata folder instead of in the ui folder.

On Mac the appdata folder is at "~/Library/Application Support/Moi", note that the Library folder is hidden by default, you can show it by holding down Shift+Cmd+. (period), or from the menu use Go > Go to Folder

On Windows open the Start menu and type %AppData%\Moi and push Enter, which will expand to something like C:\Users\<Your user name>l\AppData\Roaming\Moi

It's actually generally better to install stuff in the appdata folder since it's a centralized location outside of any one version's app bundle, so new versions will find things there without needing to copy files into each new version's individual .app bundle.

So put it in a folder like: ~/Library/Application Support/Moi/nodeeditor , and then for the launching script on a shortcut key you'll need to have moi://appdata at the start of the URL like this:

script: moi.ui.createDialog( 'moi://appdata/nodeeditor/index.html', 'resizeable,defaultWidth:680,defaultHeight:420', moi.ui.mainWindow );

If that solves it let me know, I'll update the wiki. Probably the wiki install information is from Moi version 3 which was before there was appdata folder support.

- Michael
From: NaN
17 Apr 2023   [#16] In reply to [#15]
Yay, thanks, that works!
From: bemfarmer
21 Apr 2023   [#17]
AFAIK, nodeeditor does not have any Group related nodes?

- Brian
From: NaN
21 Apr 2023   [#18] In reply to [#17]
I have been experimenting with "macro" as group. Seems to do the job!
Edit: Oh, you probably mean selecting existing geometry and grouping it via nodes, not grouping nodes? Hm, no idea in that case. (Still only scratching on the surface)
From: wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
21 Apr 2023   [#19] In reply to [#18]
Hi NaN,

Not quite clear on node groupings, but holding down the shift key while selecting nodes will group them to drag around the screen and select menu options.

From: c3g (LONG)
16 Jun 2023   [#20] In reply to [#13]
There is no case for Nodeeditor, I am very interested in Nodeeditor modeling
From: Michael Gibson
16 Jun 2023   [#21] In reply to [#20]
Hi c3g, there is some information on the node editor here:

- Michael
From: svenster
12 Jan   [#22] In reply to [#15]
Hi Forum. On Ubuntu using Wine following these directions I'm unable to relocate node editor to "/home/sven/.wine/drive_c/users/sven/AppData/Roaming/Moi" (assuming "I" in original post is a mistake). It does work in "/home/sven/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/MoI 5.0 beta Dec-1-2023/ui". Can sombody confirm this should work as posted ?

From: Michael Gibson
12 Jan   [#23] In reply to [#22]
Hi Sven, if you put it in "/home/sven/.wine/drive_c/users/sven/AppData/Roaming/Moi then to launch it you would need this in your shortcut key:

script: moi.ui.createDialog( 'moi://appdata/nodeeditor/index.html', 'resizeable,defaultWidth:680,defaultHeight:420', moi.ui.mainWindow );

If you put it inside /home/sven/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/MoI 5.0 beta Dec-1-2023/ui then the script to launch it is slightly different the URL starts with moi://ui instead of moi://appdata like this:

script: moi.ui.createDialog( 'moi://ui/nodeeditor/index.html', 'resizeable,defaultWidth:680,defaultHeight:420', moi.ui.mainWindow );

- Michael
From: svenster
13 Jan   [#24] In reply to [#23]
Hi Michael. Confirming your paths and copying & pasting your scripts from your reply it still works via the ui directory, but NOT the appdata directory.

From: Michael Gibson
13 Jan   [#25] In reply to [#24]
Hi Sven can you please post the node editor .zip you're using and maybe show a screenshot of where it is installed in appdata?

Thanks, - Michael
From: svenster
13 Jan   [#26] In reply to [#25] is the link from


Image Attachments:
Screenshot from 2024-01-13 22-07-51.png 

From: Michael Gibson
13 Jan   [#27] In reply to [#26]
Hi Sven, ok so it's because when you're running on Linux/Wine the appdata folder for MoI is at ~/.moi instead. Does it work if you put it there?

- Michael
From: svenster
15 Jan   [#28] In reply to [#27]
Yes Michael. That does the trick, thanks for the clarification.


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