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Full Version: V5 beta Apr-13-2023 available now

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From: blowlamp
24 Apr 2023   [#72] In reply to [#71]
Hi Christian.
Whatever you did made it possible for me to chamfer those holes, so thank you for looking into this for me.
It still leaves a mystery though, as the holes were created from circles generated by MoI.
I positioned the first circle at 12 O'Clock on the front face and Circular Arrayed the other 5. I then did a Boolean Merge to cut the holes from those 6 circles.

I just tried remaking the solid from the Revolve curves and then using 6 fresh circles from an Array. The result is still the same for me. :-(

Thanks again.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
24 Apr 2023   [#73]
With the file of the Start...thread
I select all the perimeters then Fillet (1mm)
Fails with the Solid++
No problem with the Ascis ! ;)

From: blowlamp
24 Apr 2023   [#74] In reply to [#73]
Hi Pilou.

Try it with a Chamfer instead of a Fillet.

From: blowlamp
24 Apr 2023   [#75] In reply to [#69]
Hi WN.

Thanks for trying to solve this for me.
It seems like there might be a problem with where the holes are positioned on the front face. If I redo the layout, so that one hole in the group of holes is positioned at 3 O'Clock, rather than at 12 O'Clock, then the Chamfer works OK.

From: Michael Gibson
24 Apr 2023   [#76] In reply to [#75]
Hi Martin, the problem kind of originates from the Revolve, because the plane that you're drilling holes into is being created as a surface of revolution that is flat rather than as an analytic plane surface.

There is a mechanism in Revolve that is supposed to replace those surfaces with a trimmed plane surface but it does not appear to be working here, I am investigating it.

Thanks, - Michael
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
24 Apr 2023   [#77] In reply to [#74]
Indeed that fails with Chamfer!
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
24 Apr 2023   [#78]
I redraw from 0 the disc /cylinders... not on the generator curve (maybe not the root problem but more prudent! :)
(not the groove piece you can copy it if necessary...
like this all perimeters are plenty and not trimmed! ;)
No problem! :)
there are 2 models for make yours tests!
Solid ++ or Acis
Chamfer or Fillets 1 mm
From: Robert (ROBERT_S)
24 Apr 2023   [#79]
Hello, any idea when will be full release available? Thank you.
From: Michael Gibson
24 Apr 2023   [#80] In reply to [#79]
Hi Robert,

> Hello, any idea when will be full release available? Thank you.

Sorry no I don't have a specific release date set yet.

- Michael
From: crackajack (AKSUV)
25 Apr 2023   [#81]
Apologies if this has been brought up previously. All V5 beta Mac downloads that I've installed don't have functioning midpoint or center snaps. I've tried the last two betas but had to roll back to V4 since this is a function I use constantly. Am I missing a snap setting somewhere? Both center and midpoint are checked under the object snap list. This issue has been occurring on an M1Pro and M2Max Macbooks.
From: Larry Fahnoe (FAHNOE)
25 Apr 2023   [#82] In reply to [#81]
> All V5 beta Mac downloads that I've installed don't have functioning midpoint or center snaps.

Hmm, that's very different than my experience. I use midpoint and center snaps a lot and have no problems with them on any of the V5 betas. For what it's worth, I'm running Big Sur on an M1 MacBook Pro.

From: Michael Gibson
25 Apr 2023   [#83] In reply to [#81]
Hi crackajack,

> Apologies if this has been brought up previously. All V5 beta Mac downloads that I've
> installed don't have functioning midpoint or center snaps. I've tried the last two betas
> but had to roll back to V4 since this is a function I use constantly.

Hmmm, this is the first I've heard of this behavior and the v5 betas have been out for quite a while.

Do the snaps not work with specific files you're working on? What happens if you create just one rectangle after starting up?

Any difference if you switch View > "Display hidden lines" checkbox?

Thanks, - Michael
From: crackajack (AKSUV)
25 Apr 2023   [#84] In reply to [#83]
OK, there it is... Everything works normal with display hidden lines checked. With it unchecked it isn't picking up midpoint, center, or end point of line snaps.
From: Michael Gibson
25 Apr 2023   [#85] In reply to [#84]
Hi crackajack, so the way it is supposed to work is that if "Display hidden lines" is turned off then snaps that are occluded (because something else is displaying in front of them) should not get targeted.

But if they are not behind other objects then it's not supposed to make any difference.

If things are not working right with one particular file you are working on can you please e-mail it to me at ?

Thanks, - Michael
From: crackajack (AKSUV)
25 Apr 2023   [#86] In reply to [#85]
It appears to be all files. Existing ones created in V4 and new ones in V5. If it helps I believe the previous beta, May?, was doing the exact same thing for me as the current one.
From: Michael Gibson
25 Apr 2023   [#87] In reply to [#86]
Hi crackajack, if you can send me an e-mail at, I can send some v5 test versions for you to try to isolate what change in v5 is causing this compared to v4.

- Michael
From: crackajack (AKSUV)
29 Apr 2023   [#88] In reply to [#87]
Just an update on this. On my Macbook Pro M1Pro and M2Max setting the ini file GraphicsAPI=Metal was causing the snap issue when display hidden lines is unchecked. I've switched it back to =Auto and everything is functioning correctly. It sounds like Michael is working on what is causing the Metal/Snap issue.
From: blowlamp
2 May 2023   [#89]
Hi Michael.
Please see the attached video where I discovered a problem after filleting a circular hole. It shows that once filleted, the edges are no longer seen as circles by MoI and also lose their snap points.

Many Thanks.
From: danperk (SBEECH)
2 May 2023   [#90] In reply to [#89]
I'm seeing similar problems with ACIS as Martin. In this case I used a circle to Boolean subtract instead if a cylinder, and end up with 2 180 deg. arcs.
The Solids++ version works as expected

Image Attachments:

From: blowlamp
2 May 2023   [#91] In reply to [#90]
Dan, try a G1, G2, or G3 blend - I'm getting the same fault with them.


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