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MoI discussion forum

Full Version: V5 beta Apr-13-2023 available now

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From: Michael Gibson
13 Jun   [#212] In reply to [#211]
Hi Larry,

> When I select one of the group's elements, say one of the Components, and change its size via the
> object's properties, the entire group is scaled along with the object I edited.

Thanks for reporting this - it looks like a holdover from some previous behavior where if you have an edge of a cylinder selected you could modify it there and it would scale the whole cylinder.

But I agree that for a group sub selection it is not expected for the entire parent group to be affected. I will adjust that.

Thanks, - Michael
From: David M (DOMCM)
13 Jun   [#213] In reply to [#1]

When I click the web link, it says "Current version: Dec-1-2023." Typo?

Sorry, see another user posted the same comment earlier.
From: mkdm
14 Jun   [#214]
Hi Michael!

Could you tell us a scheduled date for the official V5?

From: Michael Gibson
14 Jun   [#215] In reply to [#214]
Hi Marco, I'm sorry there is not a set date yet. It is taking time to work through various bugs.

- Michael
From: mkdm
18 Jun   [#216] In reply to [#215]
Ok, thanks for the info. But just to get a slightly clearer idea… are we talking about a release by summer, fall, or by the end of the year? Thanks.
From: Michael Gibson
18 Jun   [#217] In reply to [#216]
Hi Marco,

> Ok, thanks for the info. But just to get a slightly clearer idea… are we talking about a release
> by summer, fall, or by the end of the year? Thanks.

Sorry I don't know the answer to this currently.

- Michael

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