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Full Version: V5 beta Apr-13-2023 available now

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From: Michael Gibson
18 Mar   [#206] In reply to [#205]
Hi Fubax, thanks for reporting the bug with setting a selection filter (Ctrl+click) on the "Unnamed" entry. I can repeat it over here and I will investigate a fix.

- Michael
From: blackboard
5 Apr   [#207]
Hi Michael,i have questions,when you release v5?Or new beta iteration?Did you have any date for announcement? Thanks
From: Michael Gibson
5 Apr   [#208] In reply to [#207]
Hi blackboard,

> Hi Michael,i have questions,when you release v5?Or new beta iteration?Did you have any date for announcement? Thanks

I'm waiting on bug fixes for the ACIS library before releasing the v5 final version. Sorry I don't have a set date yet for when that will be done.

Probably have another beta release pretty soon though but I also don't have a set date for that either, sorry.

- Michael
From: Michael (MENSCH_MUELLER)
14 May   [#209]
Hi Michael,
Whenever I wanted to download latest version, it only shows: Current version: Dec-1-2023.
The file is also MoI v5 beta

From: Phiro
14 May   [#210]
Hi Michael,

Last Beta version is the Dec. 1st 2023.
The thread where you post is Apr-13 but it's 2023.

Have fun
From: Larry Fahnoe (FAHNOE)
13 Jun   [#211]
Using v5 beta Dec-1-2023

If I have a object group hierarchy as follows:

When I select one of the group's elements, say one of the Components, and change its size via the object's properties, the entire group is scaled along with the object I edited. I was expecting that if I select only one of the group's elements, I could edit it and change only that element. I went back through the beta release notes & did not notice anything about this, so am asking, is this expected behavior? While it is kind of neat, it is also unexpected & seemingly inconsistent with the notion that things outside of the selected object are being changed.

From: Michael Gibson
13 Jun   [#212] In reply to [#211]
Hi Larry,

> When I select one of the group's elements, say one of the Components, and change its size via the
> object's properties, the entire group is scaled along with the object I edited.

Thanks for reporting this - it looks like a holdover from some previous behavior where if you have an edge of a cylinder selected you could modify it there and it would scale the whole cylinder.

But I agree that for a group sub selection it is not expected for the entire parent group to be affected. I will adjust that.

Thanks, - Michael
From: David M (DOMCM)
13 Jun   [#213] In reply to [#1]

When I click the web link, it says "Current version: Dec-1-2023." Typo?

Sorry, see another user posted the same comment earlier.
From: mkdm
14 Jun   [#214]
Hi Michael!

Could you tell us a scheduled date for the official V5?

From: Michael Gibson
14 Jun   [#215] In reply to [#214]
Hi Marco, I'm sorry there is not a set date yet. It is taking time to work through various bugs.

- Michael

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