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Full Version: V5 beta Apr-13-2023 available now

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From: archetype (FABIENF)
7 Feb   [#191]
I only started using any of the V5 betas in the last few weeks. Running the Dec-1-2023 beta right now, I notice a considerable lag navigating the viewports and the UI in general. The exact same file will feel more sluggisch in V5 compared to V4. I don't know what changed to cause this (perhaps the grouping functionality?). Also, I can hear the fans of my Macbook Pro spin up when working, which it never did on V4.

Any thoughts?
From: Michael Gibson
7 Feb   [#192] In reply to [#191]
Hi Fabien, can you please e-mail me ( your moi.ini file?

Also is it an Intel or ARM machine?

Thanks, - Michael
From: pafurijaz
7 Feb   [#193]
Same thing with Linux WineHQ, I can't use version 5 and I've tried everything, we've already exchanged messages but none of this has ever resolved anything.
From: svenster
7 Feb   [#194] In reply to [#193]
FWIW, I've been running Moi3D on Ubuntu 20.04 under Wine since version 7 without incident. Currently running Moi3D V5 with Wine development version (9.1) which I've been doing for a few years as I found performance was better without any reliability problems. In the beginning I would thinker with moi.ini settings, but for quite some time have been running defaults as it just seems to work. The only very small nuisance is the "view controls window" which sometimes will stay in foreground of native Linux apps, but it is harmless. I would try restoring defaults in both Moi3D & Wine.

From: bemfarmer
15 Feb   [#195]
Crash occurs for my .3dm file, in MoI5beta, and in MoI4,

If there is one or more construction lines active,

and if an attempt is made to change General > Unit system: (from feet to meters, or vice versa)

Crash report was sent, and also emailed.

- Brian
From: bemfarmer
15 Feb   [#196] In reply to [#195]
A simple rectangle in MoI4, plus a couple of construction lines, and NO dimensions added, also causes a crash.

I was using shortcut key Ctrl+Alt+C _ConstructionLine
(maybe that is the problem?)

- Brian
From: bemfarmer
15 Feb   [#197]
So I guess my question is, where is the documentation of how to create and do a construction line.

Where is the latest construction line script. (mine looks like 2009 version?)

- Brian

ConstructionLine3 link:
From: Michael Gibson
16 Feb   [#198] In reply to [#197]
Hi Brian, thanks for reporting this crash. I think I've got a fix, I've sent you a test build.

> So I guess my question is, where is the documentation of how to create and do a construction line.

The construction line docs are here:

> Where is the latest construction line script. (mine looks like 2009 version?)

I think there are links here:

- Michael
From: Pit (PIETER)
21 Feb   [#199]
Hallo Michael,
steht schon ein Termin für die Moi v5 an.
From: Michael Gibson
21 Feb   [#200] In reply to [#199]
Hi Pit, sorry there isn't a final v5 release date set as of yet.

I'm still in the process of working on the ACIS integration.

- Michael
From: Fubax
22 Feb   [#201]

I would like to report a bug.
When you copy an object from within a group, paste it (do not move), select come face, and delete it, the whole group gets duplicated upon deleting the face. Only disabling history for the duplicated object, or moving it prevents this bug from occurring.

I love new beveling capabilities.
See ya
From: Michael Gibson
22 Feb   [#202] In reply to [#201]
Hi Fubax, thanks for reporting this bug. I can reproduce it over here, I will investigate it. It looks like the pasted object still thinks it is part of the original group.

Thanks, - Michael
From: Fubax
24 Feb   [#203] In reply to [#202]
Hi Michael, there's also similar thing happening sometimes when I Ctrl+z deleted objects, they get multiplied each time I undo. Maybe that's related, but I don't know any specific conditions to recreate that, it seems to happen in more complicated projects. ¯\(°_° )/¯
From: Michael Gibson
24 Feb   [#204] In reply to [#203]
Hi Fubax, I've seen the undo multiplication, I think it's not related to groups.

It's on my radar to get fixed too though.

Thanks, - Michael
From: Fubax
17 Mar   [#205]
I would like to report another bug, now with the pinning of "Unnamed" objects.

• When nothing is selected and you Ctrl+Left click on the "Unnamed" right side in the objects list, there's no pin icon, but nothing can be selected afterwards, both in the objects list, as well as in the viewport. Only hiding and un-hiding the "Unnamed" object fixes things back to normal.
• When "Unnamed" object is selected, and you perform Ctrl+Left click on the yellow icon in the objects list, pin icon also does not occur, but now the "Unnamed" object cannot be deselected. Again only hiding and un-hiding fixes things back to normal.
From: Michael Gibson
18 Mar   [#206] In reply to [#205]
Hi Fubax, thanks for reporting the bug with setting a selection filter (Ctrl+click) on the "Unnamed" entry. I can repeat it over here and I will investigate a fix.

- Michael
From: blackboard
5 Apr   [#207]
Hi Michael,i have questions,when you release v5?Or new beta iteration?Did you have any date for announcement? Thanks
From: Michael Gibson
5 Apr   [#208] In reply to [#207]
Hi blackboard,

> Hi Michael,i have questions,when you release v5?Or new beta iteration?Did you have any date for announcement? Thanks

I'm waiting on bug fixes for the ACIS library before releasing the v5 final version. Sorry I don't have a set date yet for when that will be done.

Probably have another beta release pretty soon though but I also don't have a set date for that either, sorry.

- Michael
From: Michael (MENSCH_MUELLER)
14 May   [#209]
Hi Michael,
Whenever I wanted to download latest version, it only shows: Current version: Dec-1-2023.
The file is also MoI v5 beta

From: Phiro
14 May   [#210]
Hi Michael,

Last Beta version is the Dec. 1st 2023.
The thread where you post is Apr-13 but it's 2023.

Have fun

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